Detlik: So...
I tried to trade my leftovers at GG (Disciples Platinum, Flatout 2, Syberia, Port Royale 2, Ghost Master) and leftovers from bundles (Sanctum, Nimbus) but somehow that didnt work...I mainly did it for MaM 6-pack, which still is far away from my grasp, but moving on.
So to cut story short I am doing....wait for it....wait for it....MY VERY FIRST GIVEAWAY!!!
Here is how its gonna be... I am lazy person,and ill (really ill...not mentally ill...maybe little), so feel free to write here or PM me best ideas for contests (have to be at least 5 ideas) and the one list that I will like most (yes I will be the who will pick results...I am so evil) will get first pick of the games. For each won contest the winner will be able to pick one game from this list...And to get you started here are two first contests, one is the ideas I mentioned and the second one is : Find most epic,wallpaper,picture, whatever you can find but it has to be epic (second contest wont be decided by will do it for me) :
Flatout 2 (GG)
Disciples Platinum (GG)
Ghost Master (GG)
Port Royale (GG)
Syberia (GG)
Sanctum (Steam)
Nimbus (Steam)
And the contests will continue until there is nothing left...sounds good? Then lets create some contest ideas!
EDIT : As mentioned in one of my posts : Slight change in contest rules, I can already see good ideas, from which I will have hard time to decide so I reserve the right to use them all... (sorry...) and the winner will be decided by
Important info - Deadline for both epic contest and contest ideas is tommorow 20:00 GMT +1
All those games look great, but not really anything I need. Look forward to it