mxh178: Oh come on, just calm down and get a refund, there's no need to call people fanboys just for pointing out that it's not unheard of and it's not the end of the world. If you want to waste your time in court go ahead. It's a video game.
I tried to get a refund, they wouldn't give me one. If I had gotten a refund, I would gladly let this go, and in fact, would've resumed being a customer there as they had another game on today's special list that looked great.
I'm only going to small claims court to get my money back, not to "win" against Steam. All I want is my money back.
And it's not a video game. It's a business transaction that is the issue. Wouldn't matter whether it was a video game or any other good, it's the transaction and inadequate labelling of the product for sale that is the issue.
I've already informed them that I will be taking them to small claims court, and if they ban me and block me from playing MY GAMES that I've already paid for, then they'd better get ready for further legal action. Damn shame I have a consumer rights lawyer in the family.
Fenixp: Don't inform them, contact support first and try to resolve it via proper channels. As far as I'm concerned, going trough the bank straight away as opposed to actually try and talk to the people in the shop is a fairly dick move. That's just attitude I'll never understand, "I'll rather sue them as opposed to talk to them!"
For the second or third time, I DID try to go through them. They refused to issue a refund. You think I WANT to go to small claims court??? I'm disabled, and getting around isn't easy, so no, I'd MUCH rather they simply give me a refund and both of us move on.
But they refused.