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I've heard that Sanitarium's discs can explode in some DVD drives of modern computers. Should I run it on my older computer to make sure nothing bad happens? Also, is there a trick I need to do to install it?
EDIT: I didn't do a very good job trying to imitate the picture, did I?
2ND EDIT: Picture removed. Kind of embarrassed by it now...
Post edited July 20, 2009 by TheCheese33
Well my first tip is to unwrap it & install it
Why would the discs explode? Dodgy reenforcing aroun the disc hub? Presumably with a brand new copy you can use it once and then crack it (the game that is) so you no longer need the disc
TheCheese33: I've heard that Sanitarium's discs can explode in some DVD drives of modern computers. Should I run it on my older computer to make sure nothing bad happens? Also, is there a trick I need to do to install it?
EDIT: I didn't do a very good job trying to imitate the picture, did I?

Sexy abs there bro
lowyhong: Sexy abs there bro

I haven't swam for a month, so that's probably why I have that beer gut.
Anyway, I got the game to run, but there's this weird color issue. Should I set it to 256 colors?
Aliasalpha: Well my first tip is to unwrap it & install it
Why would the discs explode? Dodgy reenforcing aroun the disc hub? Presumably with a brand new copy you can use it once and then crack it (the game that is) so you no longer need the disc

I got the original off eBay for cheap. Guess the guy never bothered opening it. Besides, I have to use the disc because all the videos and stuff are loaded straight off it.
EDIT: 256 colors didn't help the issue. Certain textures in the game are showing up as this odd color that looks off from the rest of the game. The hand texture when you're in the main menu, my character's back, the wall near the switch for the alarm, that sort of thing.
Post edited July 20, 2009 by TheCheese33
TheCheese33: I got the original off eBay for cheap. Guess the guy never bothered opening it. Besides, I have to use the disc because all the videos and stuff are loaded straight off it.

How old is it? It may well be one of those games where you can copy the disc contents to the HDD and then just tell the registry that the the install folder is really the DVD drive
TheCheese33: EDIT: 256 colors didn't help the issue. Certain textures in the game are showing up as this odd color that looks off from the rest of the game. The hand texture when you're in the main menu, my character's back, the wall near the switch for the alarm, that sort of thing.

I'm not absolutely certain, but I don't think Sanitarium is only in 256 colors. This screenshot certainly looks better than that.
[EDIT] Congratulations on getting a copy of Sanitarium, through. It's one of the best adventure games ever made. And one of the only ones to specifically target adults (in depth and maturity, not in skimpy clothing and sexual innuendo).
Post edited July 20, 2009 by Wishbone
Are you running with any transparency? That can screw with older games pretty badly. Using SLI or anythng else that might make your video card seem odd to an old game?
Aliasalpha: Are you running with any transparency? That can screw with older games pretty badly. Using SLI or anythng else that might make your video card seem odd to an old game?

I don't have dual video cards, so I can't use SLI. What would count as running with transparency? I have iTunes, Firefox, Norton 360, EA Download Manager and Impulse open when I'm running the game.
Also, the game was made in 1997.
Post edited July 20, 2009 by TheCheese33
I was thinking stuff like the desktop things vista and some "make it look sort of like vista" XP addons use. I'd definitely suggest running the game with a minimal amount of other programs open, just to eliminate them.
If its from 97 then there's probably a fair chance of it being easy to fool
there is a patch out there, had it myself until i sold the game, try google.
I would also recommend burning an image of the game onto your harddrive and running it with a virtual drive to save wear on your dvd drive and disc.
"The original issue of Sanitarium had some "defective" discs, especially Disc 2. When used in conjunction with the newer high speed Disc Drives (whether they are CDROMS, DVDROMS or CDRWROMS; the faulty disc can (and have) explode in your drive, rendering the drive useless. Please be very careful if you have the original make sure that the discs are devoid of any scratches or hairline cracks. Make sure that the CDROM that you use is 8x or less. I would not want to have happen to you what happen to me."
TheCheese33: "The original issue of Sanitarium had some "defective" discs, especially Disc 2. When used in conjunction with the newer high speed Disc Drives (whether they are CDROMS, DVDROMS or CDRWROMS; the faulty disc can (and have) explode in your drive, rendering the drive useless. Please be very careful if you have the original make sure that the discs are devoid of any scratches or hairline cracks. Make sure that the CDROM that you use is 8x or less. I would not want to have happen to you what happen to me."

I'd advise you to use a burning program that allows you to set the read speed yourself. Typically (or at least I've found this to be the case), once the program is running, it takes control of the drive, preventing it from speeding up more than necessary. So start it up before you insert the disc, then make a disc image from it, making sure to limit the read speed. Do that for all the discs, then put them back into the cover, and work with the images from there.
TheCheese33: "The original issue of Sanitarium had some "defective" discs, especially Disc 2. When used in conjunction with the newer high speed Disc Drives (whether they are CDROMS, DVDROMS or CDRWROMS; the faulty disc can (and have) explode in your drive, rendering the drive useless. Please be very careful if you have the original make sure that the discs are devoid of any scratches or hairline cracks. Make sure that the CDROM that you use is 8x or less. I would not want to have happen to you what happen to me."
Wishbone: I'd advise you to use a burning program that allows you to set the read speed yourself. Typically (or at least I've found this to be the case), once the program is running, it takes control of the drive, preventing it from speeding up more than necessary. So start it up before you insert the disc, then make a disc image from it, making sure to limit the read speed. Do that for all the discs, then put them back into the cover, and work with the images from there.

Is there a way to create images of the discs and just run it all from my hard drive? Also, is there another patch I need besides the one that keeps it running at Chapter 2? Because even after I applied that patch, told it to run like it was on Windows 2000, and even installed the game with the installer in Windows 2000 mode, there are still textures (specifically the main character, but also with the VCR so far) that are covered in weird, technicolor colors. I know it's not suppossed to look like that from screenshots.
Post edited July 20, 2009 by TheCheese33
one has sanitarium, other has Blade runner...
Well I HAVE FULL THROTTLE AND GRIM FANDANGO!! And first three broken sword games!
and arcanum, whole baldur's gate saga, as well as Mafia with cool poster hanging in front of me!
So i am not doing that bad with good ol' classics but i still want sanitarium and blade runner!
TheCheese33: Is there a way to create images of the discs and just run it all from my hard drive?

Yes, you make images of the discs like I outlined above (I recommend .ISO format, if possible), and then you mount the images as virtual drives in Daemon Tools.