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mrmarioanonym: first world problems...
Bloodygoodgames: LOL - no, not at all.

I live in a developing country, and just about all my gamer friends here are the same. Boatloads of games they'll never have time to play. They're so cheap now, both digital download and bootleg, almost anyone can afford to play a few games in a year.
Regardless of where you live, this is the very definition of a first world problem. "I have so much entertainment media it's hard to keep track of it all" is so high up on the hierarchy of needs that it's actually fairly amusing.

That said, I have a fairly good memory for stuff like this, but I have repurchased books I thought I'd lost, only to find them in a box somewhere later. I did the same thing with Carcassonne, but that one actually worked out really well because I can just mix all the tiles together for a MASSIVE game. The extra tile bag works really well for all of my RPG dice, too.
Fenixp: Oh, you have just reminded me that I have a copy of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood from my graphics card
I have 3 copies of the first Assassin's Creed. I have a digital version, a physical disc that i got with my video card and an Xbox 360 copy, which is the one that i played. I also have 3 copies of Assassin's Creed 2.

I'm usually good at remembering which games i own even though i have a huge backlogg. Most of the time i have at least an idea of which games i own, and when i see a sale or something i can recall whether i own it or not, and if i'm not sure i log into my DD accounts to make sure. But sometimes i end up buying the same game twice. It's kind of rare for me but it happens.

However, i can't really keep track of indie bundles. It's impossible for me. I can usually remember the most interesting game from a bundle that i purchased, but i can't remember all the games from these bundles. So, yeah, indie bundles made the situation much worse for me. This is why i prefer indie bundles that give out Steam keys, it makes it much easier to keep track of all these games, and it prevents me from buying them again on sales. A few days ago i purchased the Deep Space Bundle to get Dark Scavenger, but i found out later that i had it on GG already. Oh, well.
Post edited September 30, 2012 by Neobr10
I don't think so. I think it is more likely, that it goes the other way round, (never bought a game I thought I did) though, I don't remember that happen either.
Yes, with bundles bought either on Steam or Humble Bundle.

I've never forgot about a single game I went out of my way to purchase.
I remember the tiniest details about stuff around but on the other hand i often tend to forget the "important" things like stuff i need to study for exams and such.
So i pretty much remember everything i bought.
Yea, it has happened with some collections of games that I have bought over the years. Now that we live in an age of bundle abundance, it happens more frequently.
The biggest offender is my list of games on Desura. I've time and time forgotten what I have on there, as I don't check Desura as often as I check GOG, Steam or Gamer's Gate.
I guess it never happened, not even when I used to pirate games and downloaded a lot of stuff (but that's because I only had dial-up, so every download had to be planned and well thought beforehand).
bevinator: I did the same thing with Carcassonne, but that one actually worked out really well because I can just mix all the tiles together for a MASSIVE game.
How long does a usual game of that take!?
This happened to me recently. lol, good thing some of my games library is next to my laptop.

But I was reading a forum somewhere (may have been here, I dunno) and there was a thread talking about older rpg's and one of the games brought up was Wizardry 8. And I was reading about it and thought, MAN that sounds pretty good. I want that game.

So, I go to my usual suspects to see if it's offered (GOG first, Amazon 2nd, then if I know the developer, than only if I'm desperate I'll check Steam), had trouble finding it, looked down on the second shelf (of this case) of my games library, and BOOM. What was looking back at me??? The boxed version of Wizardry 8. It was funny cause it was like my eyes went straight to that spot on the shelf, like they were drawn to it. Yet I have no friggin clue whatsoever where I got it, when I got, or anything.

But it was a good thing since it happened before I ordered it again. :)
carnival73: Smells like a Christmas or Birthday Pressy someone may have hid and you accidentally found. XD

I seem to have 'manifested' back a couple of games I felt bad about selling, both of which I was 70% sure that I did.

Had any passing desire for Oblivion during the week leading up to the find?
LOL, no more than normal.

And it's definitely not a gift. The only person who ever has access to my apartment is my maid, and she doesn't even know I play computer games. Plus, if she was to buy me a gift it would be something to do with my rabbits, as she takes care of them when I'm traveling and loves them more than her own kids :)

Don't think my boyfriend has been here for years, either, as we normally hang out at his house - it's a lot bigger :)
Bloodygoodgames: LOL - no, not at all.

I live in a developing country, and just about all my gamer friends here are the same. Boatloads of games they'll never have time to play. They're so cheap now, both digital download and bootleg, almost anyone can afford to play a few games in a year.
bevinator: Regardless of where you live, this is the very definition of a first world problem. "I have so much entertainment media it's hard to keep track of it all" is so high up on the hierarchy of needs that it's actually fairly amusing.

That said, I have a fairly good memory for stuff like this, but I have repurchased books I thought I'd lost, only to find them in a box somewhere later. I did the same thing with Carcassonne, but that one actually worked out really well because I can just mix all the tiles together for a MASSIVE game. The extra tile bag works really well for all of my RPG dice, too.
I don't know why I remember the books I own (numbering in the thousands) but I do. Don't think I've ever bought a book twice without doing it deliberately?

That being said, I got a huge list of books e-mailed to me last week from my mother. My parents are storing boxes of my books in the US and, now that they're moving to Spain they want to know which ones they should give away. When I went through the list, I'd bought at least half of them again here in Bangkok (knowingly), as I needed them and it was cheaper to re-buy than to have my parents mail the ones I already owned to me.

Some authors must be thrilled, as I've bought their books four or five times. I tend to move a lot and leave my belongings 'stored' in places I used to live, never to return, and then "need" the books in my new place. LOL.
Bloodygoodgames: Cleaning out some stacks of CDs and DVDs this week I came across The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and its expansion packs. I have NO recollection of buying it, but obviously I did. It's still in its wrapper too, so at least I can't say I've played it and forgotten.
Damuna: I envy you. I wish I didn't remember buying Oblivion.
What, that bad??? :)

I think I probably put off playing it when I first bought it as I know it's huge and who has time for a 150-hour plus game! Plus, I've a feeling I'll probably get bored with it as I'm not a huge fan of games that take too long to finish. Still, I am excited I own it. Now, let's just hope I can get it working on Windows 7.
Post edited September 30, 2012 by Bloodygoodgames
Damuna: I envy you. I wish I didn't remember buying Oblivion.
Bloodygoodgames: What, that bad??? :)
Hardly the worst game ever, but nor is it very good out of the box. You need to mod it (heavily) for it to have any real lasting appeal, as it will start to feel repetitive & boring after only a handful of hours if you don't.
I would recommend finding mods that:
-Lessens (but don't entirely remove) the level scaling
-Removes the voice acting (they really should have hired more voice actors. You will quickly start recognizing voices, and it can be a real immersion breakers. Also, for some characters that have both their own & some generic voice lines (like beggars) the difference in voices between lines can be jarring)
-Rebalances combat
-Rebalances magic
-Increases the challenge without just giving enemies a lot more HP
-Makes faces look more natural (as the faces in Oblivion sometimes gets a bit too close to the Uncanny Valley)
-Makes sneaking more fun & engaging
-Adds more quests & other fun stuff

Oblivion is a deeply flawed game, but if you view it as more of a toolbox for building your own game (through heavy modding), then it is not bad.
StingingVelvet: I tried to buy Alan Wake in the last Steam sale and was told I already owned it. That was pretty embarrassing.
This is the only time it happens to me. Otherwise I have no problem remembering what I have bought.

Regarding Oblivion I think of it like a uncut diamond. Somewhat shiny but mostly rough and a bit ugly. Modding Oblivion is like cutting a raw diamond and if done right you'll get a beautiful gem. :P
As a general rule, if I paid more than €10 for it, I'll remember that I bought it because it was a deliberate and planned action on my part. In fact, I was just sorting through my many hundreds of games and I found that barely 10% over the past 20 years is made of games that I spent more than €10/20DM on. It's the spontaneous purchases where I need to have a think if I have a game already. I now have my games list on my PC and a copy of it on my phone for when I go to fleamarkets, charity shops or electronics stores.

It's usually the indie bundle stuff that I tend to get confused with. I've had several situations where I've tried to enter a Steam key and found that I have the game already. I accidentally picked up Art of Murder twice recently, and had a rather embarrassing related situation where I picked up Con-Air on Bluray without realising that I had it on DVD already.

Still, good excuse for an upgrade I suppose.
BadDecissions: I bought Dead Space off Steam during some sale, only to later realize that I'd bought it off Gamersgate during some previous sale.
Have you activated it on Origin ?
Post edited October 01, 2012 by ne_zavarj