Titanium: :,(
Nothing illegal, mind you, just bad for me and bad overall. Although some might consider it trivial and harmless, I think I'm not doing myself any favors for going along with it.
Anyway, I need to restore the balance, repent thy sinner and all that stuff. One free game from the current weekend promo, random pick, 24 hours-ish to draw, no rep or date restriction, one entry per person.
Commence casting stones! (and no, I didn't eat the last slice. I'm totally game for that)
mrmarioanonym: Your sins are forgiven, son. Embrace Akatosh as your Savior! In for Jagged Alliance 2.
no, don't listen to him... join Stendarr
"The Temple of Stendarr is dedicated to the God Stendarr, the Patron of Mercy. They are among the greatest charitable institutions in the land. Stendarr is the God of Mercy and His temples attempt to carry His message of peace to all Tamriel. You can judge their success for yourself."
"The Crusaders are the knights of Stendarr, God of Mercy. They protect the Temples of Stendarr and act as his compassionate blade when the situation demands."
"Our God is the God of Mercy, Stendarr. Some mock our compassion, calling us sentimental fools and tenderhearts. But the truth is that everyone, no matter their strength, crawls to us when Sai, the God of Luck deserts them as he is prone to do. Our gift to the traveller is a simple one -- we heal those who are in pain. For more complicated ailments, diseases and poisonings, we direct you to the Temple of Kynareth. With due respect, for they are the finest apothecaries and we, the finest chirurgeons. If one possesses the desire and aptitude, one may join the Temple. Though we desire to help all Tamrielans, we only possess the means to train and assist a small handful."
"walk always in the light...or we shall drag you to it"
much better than
"The Akatosh Chantry is one of the temples dedicated to the Dragon, the God of Time, Akatosh. The priests of Akatosh always call their temples chantries. I suppose it's because they do a lot of singing there."
"The Akatosh Chantry is devoted to the worship of Akatosh, the Great Dragon. Akatosh is the most constant of gods, for his sphere is time itself. Perhaps, if you are in need of a blessing of time and are willing to make an appreciable donation, Akatosh might smile upon you and grant you time: time to heal your injuries, perhaps, or time to shorten your voyages. Our priests and priestess here have a variety of other skills and services available for members of the Akatosh Chantry. Naturally, one has to be judged worthy before one is sheltered under the Great Wings of Akatosh."
"We are the military arm of the Akatosh Chantry, the Order of the Hour, charged with the protection of the Chantry. Our knights are devoted to the Great Dragon, and dedicated to the promise of stability and permanence He represents. Our duties are varied indeed, and our honors bountiful. An initiate in our Order have the same rights and honors of an initiate in the Chantry."
don't you think?