Elmofongo: SPOILERS
Recycling that plot device eh Blizzard?
Vestin: To be fair: two if not all three of these examples are actually of a character being beaten into submission by an external force, without the gradual descent into unethical behavior being driven by a character flaw.
Doesn't change the fact that they're recycling the same plot device. The gradient of willingness of the "victim" may vary, but the general approach is the same.
They're also
really nasty about killing off player characters.
Warcraft 1 - it's canon that the human campaign ended in failure (every mission up to the "killing" of Medivh is canon; presumably a later mission was failed) so the player character is presumed dead, the orc campaign's player character is identified as Ogrim Doomhammer, who dies in the intervening period of Warcraft 2 and 3.
Starcraft 1 - the terran magistrate, zerg cerebrate, and protoss executor are all confirmed dead by word of god. The UED commander died at the end of the Zerg campaign.
Diablo 1 - Warrior was possessed by Diablo, rogue became Blood Raven, sorcerer became insane Summoner
Diablo 2 - heavily implied that every one of the heroes from this game died in the intervening years.
Warcraft 2, Warcraft 3, and Starcraft 2 don't give the player an in-universe avatar.