Miaghstir: the sum of all oars(questionmark)
Romulus: Wasn't that a film with Ben Affleck and Morgan Freeman?
Trailer Guy: It began as a cozy outing between two friends, but turned into a nightmare as they realized they had gone too far downstream, and were running out of time. Could they manage to return their rented row boat before they incurred a fine?
Morgan Freeman: Row, damn you! It's a whole two dollars on the line!
Ben Affleck: You never told me the fine was two dollars!?!
Trailer Guy: Excitement!
Morgan Freeman: Look out! There's a small sand bank about 50 yards to the left!
Trailer Guy: Intrigue!
Ben Affleck: (suspiciously) It's funny, it seems to be me doing most of the rowing.
Morgan Freeman: (smugly) Well, I'm navigating. That's an even division of labor, I think.
Trailer Guy: Betrayal!
Morgan Freeman: You dropped the oar!
Ben Affleck: One man, one oar. We can always go back for it?
Trailer Guy: This summer, the outcome of an epic journey will depend on... "The sum of all oars"...
I really need to get a life...