Vestin: I am going to buy Diablo 3 and play the hell out of it. Which is no surprise, considering it's a Blizzard game. The character archetypes are so alluring, the setting so grim, the abilities so powerful, the twisted corridors so random...
Hell - I might even play with others at some point, though I'd prefer to go through the game alone the first (few) time(s). Fortunately - I can change my mind at any point, thanks to how the game's designed :).
It's been probably ten years since one could buy a Blizzard game and assume that it was going to be good. The last good game they put out was Warcraft 3. At this point, I have no confidence in them seeing as they're priorities are esports and not making fun games.
Plus, they used to be pretty progressive with the spawning and minimal DRM, LAN play was absolutely amazing back in the day, but they've stripped that completely for reasons that only make sense if you're wasted. Some of us have no interest in ever going online and would be more than happy to create a new player if we changed our minds, we don't need Blizzard deciding that we really do want to play online.
Kunovski: I've played Starcraft and Brood Wars and it was quite okay... Then I played Starcraft II and it was awesome!
I've played Warcraft 1, 2 and 3 and it was awesome! Then I played World of Warcraft and it sucked...
I've played Diablo 1 and 2 and it was awesome! So I'm kind of worried about D3... (but will buy it anyways ;)
Really? Because they didn't do anything in SC2 that they hadn't done in SC other than lock the thing down and nerf the hell out of LAN play. Over all the experience when I loaded it up was meh, incredibly, incredibly meh.
I just didn't get the feeling that I got when I loaded up all those great games in the past. Or even more contemporary games like FO:NV or DNF. It just felt like Blizzard had chucked the singleplayer game under the bus to focus on esports and they're on record saying as much.
Gonchi: I had some mild interest in it about three years ago, but that interest has waned with each new piece of info. But then, I didn't like Diablo and I outright skipped Diablo 2, so...
You really ought to play Diablo 2, it's a much more interesting game in general than Diablo was, plus if you get Lord of Destruction there's an interesting mod out there that you can get, unfortunately it's a bit of a challenge to install these days.
Tormentfan: Not buying it either.. but it won't matter, there will be enough stupid people that aren't able to recognise anti consumer behaviour that will buy it.
kavazovangel: Well, it sure is fun being a stupid person. :)
Anybody with a beta key that doesn't want to play the game?
And you would probably say that about SC2, but when they opened up a portion for free I realized just how lucky I was not to have wasted my money on such a poorly executed turd.
People do have differing tastes, but it doesn't bode well when the developer goes on record about choosing to make an esport game at the expense of making a fun game.