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We have come to Week Thirty-Nine - Week Fifteen of the Storm

For those who need, you can find an explanation of "The Storm" Here

We have finally come to the last week of the Calm which brings us to Week Fifteen of the Storm. Things have calmed down over the last several weeks as we have passed through the Eye of the Storm. This will be our last week of the calm and next week the Storm will be back in full force. Hopefully you will be eager to see what the Storm has in store after the eye passes.

So lets get to it.

This Week we have three GOG's up for grabs:

Two (2) Copies of Torchlight

One (1) Copy of King of Dragon Pass

For discussion - One of these games were released in 1999, so lets discuss 1999. Anything you want to talk about related to 1999.

As Always - The Hall of Heroes can be found here

** Edit ** Changed Both to One of above - It was late last night and I was tiered saw 2009 and 1999 registered ;-)
Post edited December 14, 2013 by Lou
Thank you for your continued generosity, Lou.

KoDP is one of my all time favorite games. 1999 also had StarCraft and BG2, unless I'm mistaken. A vintage year for computer games.
1999 I was playing a ton of nintendo 64 and sony playstation games.
It was a really good time... actually a very good time because so many good n64 & ps1 games.
I was still playing games from earlier as well, like 1998's Star Wars: Rogue Squadron and Banjo-Kazooie and I was STILL playing 1997's GoldenEye 007 with a little Turok 1/2 thrown in.
Not to mention the true classics like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Mario Kart 64.
My most fond memories are from this time! *sniff

Sadly 1999 was also a year of regret for me, for purchasing Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber... my biggest video game let down of all time.

I'm in for King of Dragon Pass please.

Thanks for the giveaway and happy holidays.
I got King of DP about 10 minutes ago. And already had TL so not in. Thank you though and in before the "party like its 1999" comments take over this thread lol.
South Africa had its second non-racial general elections (;
Heh... it's true that at least one of these games was released in 1999 :P

It was a lovely year, to be sure, but it was just on the tail end of 1998, which remains THE GREATEST FUCKING YEAR IN GAMING HISTORY!!! Almost sunk my schooling, that year did. Lots of Half-Life, Heroes 3, SiN, Thief... mostly StarCraft, though - ah, to remember the days when shuttles could shoot scarabs... X-)

Thanks for the weekly dose of grandfatherly awesome Lou. Hope your little spoiled ones are well :-)

If Licurg deigns to enter for someone to win King of Dragon's Pass, I'll back them too ;)
1999, we were still quaking in fear of the Y2K bug ;).

I'm in for King of Dragon Pass, thanks.
It was the year Stanley Kubrick died.
I would be up for King of Dragon Pass
Post edited December 15, 2013 by theslitherydeee
not in but thank you for your generosity. :D
rep +1
Post edited December 14, 2013 by sharp299
Thank you very much for the give away and congrats on the golden jubilee. :) I'd like to be in for King of Dragon's Pass, thanks again.
As usual +1 (another week gone...oh my)

1999, now that was a year.
10 years ago the Wall was history.
50 years ago the Federal Republic of Germany proclaimed.
250 years ago Goethe was born.
The Kosovo war escalates with NATO bombing.
My GOTY was MOH for the PS...closed followed by CS.

not in
Thanks, Lou. Not in but +1

1999 - the golden era of the Infinity Engine /thread ;)
Not in, but thanks,

1999 - hmm, I think it was good year.
Post edited December 14, 2013 by triock
I am in for king of dragon pass, thanks.
1999, well that was the year before the 2k bug hype, everyone getting scared about their computers and stuff.
And nothing happened.