RedRagan: *snip*
Also the game itself push the concept of free to explore game world forward with its huge tract of lands and areas we can visit. I want to try it starting from Morrowind.
LoL, did anyone else read this and think of the quote from Monty Python and the Holy Grail? I'm not saying it's not appropos for Elder Scroll particularly with the large selection of mods that focus on the topic. But +1 for the chuckle RedRagan!
As to the topic of the GA: One think I've always liked about the Elder Scrolls games is that there aren't character classes, well there were in the first couple but they were just preset sets of skills and it was most fun to just make your own character class choosing what skills were important to you. In the latter ones it's more dynamic. Does the Anthology compilation include Battlespire and Redguard also? Never played those though and have played all the others (and have yet to finish one...). For a completionist like myself though it's hard to play these games since there is so much you can do! Either way I'll have to check out the anthology for myself and thanks for the GA Lou! Please count me in for
As to ESO, from what I've read on it so far it's in beta currently, and generally well received, but along with being subscription based, the real strong point to the single player games is that you shape the world with your actions and while there can be some minor reflection of that in a MMO setting with reputation or some other similar system, you can't really have whole towns get slaughtered or other major changes that would affect other players, so don't know how well I'd like it. Probably won't be pre-ordering and will wait to hear what others say after playing it before I consider giving it a try.
One thing I do like is all the mods people have made for them, yes some are game breaking, but others make minor frustrations go away or add new content and areas, like in Skyrim there were tons of mods for adding new housing, redesigning housing and so forth, before Bethesda even considered making their Hearthfire DLC which was probably largely inspired by the player mods.