Thanks for the opportunity Lou, I have been following the Storm and wish to try and weather it myself this week. Please count me in.
As to strategy games, there are really so many that I've enjoyed over the years. I too enjoyed Axis & Allies in my younger days, Risk too even if that is not nearly as strategic. Other varieties of games could be conceived as strategy too since it really is a broad category these days.
Some of my favorites though over the years have been the Civilization series, Warlords series, Master of Orion series, XCom series, but when it comes to historical wargames in particular then my favorite has got to be Panzer General, never actually got the 2nd though I've often heard it had improvements over the first. I had so much fun playing the first though that I didn't see the need and wanted to spend my limited gaming budget of those years on other things. The Gettysburg! and Antietam! were both really interesting for those of us in the states at least, never actually owned those, but enjoyed watching a friend play and was impressed by the level of detail involved. More recently the Europa Universalis series have been very rich with historical wargame goodness; but, not in the way of a computer based 'board game'. I'm definitely of the opinion though that I like turn based games whether they are 'board game' like or not rather than a real time game since I like to consider my options and review information ad nauseum.
Several more recent strategy boardgames I've enjoyed but not really wargames, are Settlers (of Catan that is) and Carcasonne.
If you've never looked at it, you may also want to check out Modern
Naval Battles / Cold War Naval Battles which was redistributed under the second title for free as a print and play game and I had many enjoyable hours playing it. Unfortunately the download links are broken at this point (Update: found alternate download links on this page [url=][/url] )