I am torn, I often support bundles even if they only have Steam keys, but HIB was always special, it always had multiplatform, even freeing great games, like Braid and Limbo, from Steam and Windows platform restriction. They used to say in their advertising not, "This bundle is multiplatform AND DRM free" instead saying, "As always this bundle is multiplatform and DRM free."
They are supporting one charity I like (Childs Play, fuck the Red Cross, personal, you don't have to hate them), there's nothing wrong with providing THQs games in a bundle, etc.
I own all these games... multiple copies of most of them, I'd basically be donating to charity and for soundtracks. I think THQ has made shitty decisions and they're in trouble, still, even though they've fucked me over a bit more than I thought was "okay" recently, I don't want them to evaporate.
So I originally thought, "I'll just give it all to Child's Play and there ya go."
I have never stiffed the HIB guys, ever, I love what they do. But I want to say to them somehow that I am conflicted about this one, because it's them, because of how they work. I'm aware of their statements as to their reasons and they are even good reasons. I'm just not sure I can give a whole hearted "hurrah" at this point.
So, I'd love to support HIB and THQ in this, what they're doing is not by any means "bad" (at least by any reasonable definition), but at the same time I want to say something about this bundle and say it with my donation.
So right now all of it will go to Child's Play, if someone could give me a well reasoned (not ranting) reason to do otherwise, I'd actually like to hear it.
Kristian: Why would the devs that are on the fence with regard to cross-platform and DRM free gaming not demand to be treated equally with THQ? Also your arguments concedes that the Humble Bundle has now made it impossible to ever get a AAA dev or publisher to agree to a cross-platform, DRM free release. Something they may well have achieved otherwise.
I could actually see it make it harder to convince devs that have done really well with games like Braid, Bastion, and Limbo (just examples, not saying these devs are bad apples in any way, just examples of the level of success I'm speaking of) to do the multiplatform work and rip out all the Steam DRM hooks on the PC version. If they're kind of in the middle of the road success-wise they might simply opt to not be part of any DRM free bundles and wait and see if they can get in on a DRM bundle.