Leroux: True, but on the other hand they have released several indie games in the past that I think were even less known (I don't want to judge them as being less original, as I haven't played them). And SwingSwingSubmarine is a very sympathethic company in my eyes and BTM a DRM-free quality product, so I'm kind of sad to see one of my favorite developers approach GOG of their own accord and get such a reply. I could understand if GOG didn't want to concentrate on indie games too much, but after the new indie offensive they launched, it puzzles me even more ... Humble still seem to have the edge on GOG when it comes to indie games.
I agree. Can't really understand why they rejected it.
Blocks That Matter was in a well sold Humble Bundle, so I think many people played it (and everybody that I know that played it also enjoyed it). So I would expect at least some interest in the "sequel". And about the argument that the game isn't original, I would say that GOG sells several games that are not really unique or original (oldies as well as indies).