undeadcow: Anyone care to guess on second week additions from Fireaxis? With all it's DLC I could see Borderlands II making an addition. Mafia II has been free before (as part of voting in some poll) and has a bit of DLC. Duke Nukem Forever has recently been heavily discounted.
GabiMoro: i don't think that second week aditions will be Borderlands or Bioshock. It wil be some games with "Sid Meier" in their names.
Possible stuff: Sid Meier's Pirates! and, maybe, XCOM 2012 ( without the expansion ). And if we are truly lucky the original Civ and Civ2 Complete or Railroad Tycoon ( TakeTwo/2K should hold the rights for RRT, as they are the ex - Gathering of Developers ).
Anything else made by Sid is at EA ( Alpha Centauri, Gettysburg/Antietam, Sim Golf )