Grilledfish: So about Humble and Steam keys... are they still doing that thing where you can only redeem the games if you log into and link your Steam account? Does it apply to everything Humble (bundles, store, and widgets)? I would prefer not to link accounts anywhere if I can help it, so I haven't bought from Humble since they introduced that, and I'm out of the loop on this. Doesn't help that people still sometimes call them "Steam keys".
Yeah, everything I've bought there since the switch can only be linked, you get no key, even when gifting. Which caused me to lose one gift so far as the link didn't work right for the person I gifted it too, but then I tried to regift it, the link was no longer available saying it had been claimed.
The thing I don't understand is whether or not the party you gift to has to have a linked Humble Bundle account or not, as I'm wondering if that's what caused the problem in my gift failure. I know the person who purchases the games has to have their Steam account linked if they want to own them, but I'm not sure about those receiving gift links.