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ViolatorX: Speaking of which as Ive already completed TWD on the xbox 360. First person to guess who my favorite character in the tv series is, gets a copy of the key pm'd to them.

Ive kept the others want to try them.
danteveli: I may try this one
I would go with Merle.
Good choice pm being sent
DProject: I ALWAYS give everything to Humble Tip. My reason being, that it seems to be not enough people realize that without their effort and servers, these bundles wouldn't even exist. Or that's what I think at least.
It's worth noting though that Humble Bundle Inc is a commercial enterprise. I tend to give very little to them as they already make craploads of money from each bundle. Normally I give a little to HBI and then split the rest between devs and charity. In this case however I gave it all to charity and none to Telltale or HBI.
Post edited May 30, 2013 by SirPrimalform
SirPrimalform: It's worth noting though that Humble Bundle Inc is a commercial enterprise. I tend to give very little to them as they already make craploads of money from each bundle. Normally I give a little to HBI and then split the rest between devs and charity. In this case however I gave it all to charity and none to Telltale or HBI.
Then again, it's a commercial enterprise that doesn't make a habit of screwing over its customers, whicn in this industry is something that is badly needed. We move within a commercial segment where ethics are a rare thing indeed (EA, Activision/Blizzard, Valve, Microsoft) and any company that is willing to put its foot down to at least give gamers what they want deserves the benefit of the doubt.

I know Humble Bundle has been known to slip up from time to time (the THQ debacle, the issue with the Linux verison of Limbo, the Botanicula issue) but on the whole this, along with GOG and CDPR, is a company that I personally would much rather have holding a larger market share in PC gaming than a company like Valve or EA. And if I'm honest, if they make a crapload of money from actually providing a better service (as opposed to simply marketing it better), I don't begrudge them that.

And bear in mind too that developers get a larger share from the Humble Store than from other platforms (not necessarily the Humble Bundles mind you, as this is within the power of the buyer).

I'm aware of the Alexander Zubov/Steel Storm situation, and honestly I'm reluctant to put too much stock into what he says, given that the bundle income had to be split up between seven developers, the charities, Humble Bundle and various payment processing expenses. Assuming the default split (65% to developers, 20% to charity, 15% to Humble Bundle), that would mean around $180,000 less payment processing fees (which may possibly be substantial), which is indeed a "tiny, tiny fraction", but is also fair.
Post edited May 31, 2013 by jamyskis
Dammit, I knew I shouldn't have bitten on the 85% off TellTale sale on GOG.

Ah well. Now the only game I don't have is TWD, and my computer can't run it anyway, so I'll wait for it to show up in a bundle with something else I want.
jamyskis: Then again, it's a commercial enterprise that doesn't make a habit of screwing over its customers, whicn in this industry is something that is badly needed. We move within a commercial segment where ethics are a rare thing indeed (EA, Activision/Blizzard, Valve, Microsoft) and any company that is willing to put its foot down to at least give gamers what they want deserves the benefit of the doubt.

I know Humble Bundle has been known to slip up from time to time (the THQ debacle, the issue with the Linux verison of Limbo, the Botanicula issue) but on the whole this, along with GOG and CDPR, is a company that I personally would much rather have holding a larger market share in PC gaming than a company like Valve or EA. And if I'm honest, if they make a crapload of money from actually providing a better service (as opposed to simply marketing it better), I don't begrudge them that.

And bear in mind too that developers get a larger share from the Humble Store than from other platforms (not necessarily the Humble Bundles mind you, as this is within the power of the buyer).
That's all true, I was more just trying to dispel the idea that they're a non-profit or something (I'm not certain that anyone thinks this but sometimes I get that impression).

jamyskis: I'm aware of the Alexander Zubov/Steel Storm situation, and honestly I'm reluctant to put too much stock into what he says, given that the bundle income had to be split up between seven developers, the charities, Humble Bundle and various payment processing expenses. Assuming the default split (65% to developers, 20% to charity, 15% to Humble Bundle), that would mean around $180,000 less payment processing fees (which may possibly be substantial), which is indeed a "tiny, tiny fraction", but is also fair.
I've had contact with that guy over a different matter and he's an arse so I don't put any stock in what he says.
DProject: I ALWAYS give everything to Humble Tip. My reason being, that it seems to be not enough people realize that without their effort and servers, these bundles wouldn't even exist. Or that's what I think at least.
tokisto: Well, Telltale is a lot greedy too and always pricey, so in this case I don´t think there´s a problem in giving everything to charity or HiB.
Yes, those greedy bastards charge $0.01 for a set of 7 games (20 if count by episodes) and a full bloody dollar for Steam keys.
Fredd38: I was so excited I bought the bundle before seeing that TWD was Steam only... oh, well, I guess there's nothing wrong in installing SteOH MY GOD IT'S ALIVE ON MY COMPUTER AARRGH11!!1
I made that mistake with the THQ Bundle, before WolfFire revised that particular page with a warning banner... Ever since then I've read the "Humble" pages carefully, and Ctrl+F for "Steam" every time... As for the current Weekly Sale, it figures the one game I'm interested in just so happens to be the one game TellTale couldn't bring themselves to crawl out of VALVe's ass for...
tokisto: Well, Telltale is a lot greedy too and always pricey, so in this case I don´t think there´s a problem in giving everything to charity or HiB.
PixelBoy: Yes, those greedy bastards charge $0.01 for a set of 7 games (20 if count by episodes) and a full bloody dollar for Steam keys.
I didn´t mean for this "promo". Take a look at their regular prices... Google is your friend, do a bit of search before posting...
PixelBoy: Yes, those greedy bastards charge $0.01 for a set of 7 games (20 if count by episodes) and a full bloody dollar for Steam keys.
tokisto: I didn´t mean for this "promo". Take a look at their regular prices... Google is your friend, do a bit of search before posting...
I have ordered and sometimes pre-ordered many releases straight from Telltale, so I know their price range.

There are often promos and discounts for Telltale games. Recently not so often at Telltale's own shop, but in all kinds of bundles, and Humble and GOG, etc.

What's the point of complaining about regular prices, if it's possible to get those games discounted anyway?
In this case (not counting BTA), up to even 99,99% discount of regular sales prices?

Which other publishers have given so large discounts for so many games in their catalog?
Wadjet Eye Games comes to mind, but not many others.

And as for prices, there are probably many legal reasons for their base prices.
All of their games are licenced IP's, so that must have something to do with it.
DrYaboll: Would anyone be willing to get me the humble bundle for BTA price in exchange for a 5.99 gog game of your choice?

My card doesn't seem to be working with their payment methods (it works on gog though, so no worries).

The BTA seems to be growing quite fast, so I'd like to get is asap, without the need to wait for the bank transfer to reach paypal.

I'd be much oblidged.
Were you able to get help?
DrYaboll: Would anyone be willing to get me the humble bundle for BTA price in exchange for a 5.99 gog game of your choice?

My card doesn't seem to be working with their payment methods (it works on gog though, so no worries).

The BTA seems to be growing quite fast, so I'd like to get is asap, without the need to wait for the bank transfer to reach paypal.

I'd be much oblidged.
BlueMooner: Were you able to get help?
Yeah, DProject helped me.

But thanks, man. One can always count on the gog community - it has not been labeled 'classy' for nothing.
Anyone had any experience with Humble Support?

I've increased my payment to beat the average and didn't get The Walking Dead key, I dropped them a line on e-mail, got an automated response (they're on it blablabla, I hate bots), and no other answer (since Friday).

Is this normal? I'll wait, but I'm sad.
cich: Anyone had any experience with Humble Support?

I've increased my payment to beat the average and didn't get The Walking Dead key, I dropped them a line on e-mail, got an automated response (they're on it blablabla, I hate bots), and no other answer (since Friday).

Is this normal? I'll wait, but I'm sad.
I hadn't received one of my gift links a few months ago,so I sent them an e-mail and I received e-mails with links to all my Humble Bundle purchases the next day. I didn't get a "human" response, though. Maybe you should try e-mailing them again?

EDIT: Add payment info in your e-mail, especially the transaction ID.
Post edited June 03, 2013 by DarkoD13
cich: Anyone had any experience with Humble Support?

I've increased my payment to beat the average and didn't get The Walking Dead key, I dropped them a line on e-mail, got an automated response (they're on it blablabla, I hate bots), and no other answer (since Friday).

Is this normal? I'll wait, but I'm sad.
DarkoD13: I hadn't received one of my gift links a few months ago,so I sent them an e-mail and I received e-mails with links to all my Humble Bundle purchases the next day. I didn't get a "human" response, though. Maybe you should try e-mailing them again?

EDIT: Add payment info in your e-mail, especially the transaction ID.
Oh, yeah, I forgot about the transaction ID but I added it after two minutes, because that automated response mentioned it. If I don't get any response today, I'll mail them again tomorrow. They have an HQ in San Francisco, so maybe they're still asleep.
Well fuck.. Walking dead would be nice but It closes just before I get some money. =/