WBGhiro: So what kind of rights should dolphins be granted apart from being protected against animal cruelty?
It sounds like the proposal is to (1) recognize certain "rights", and (2) refrain from human activity that abridges those "rights". The specific "rights" mentioned are
to be able to stay alive, to not be confined, to make choices and travel, and perhaps foremost to engage in social interaction.
I think these would run to prohibitions on keeping cetaceans in captivity (whether for scientific, military, or entertainment purposes) and on activities that kill cetaceans or disrupt their social units (whaling, fishing in ways that tend to trap and drown dolphins, use of high-powered sonar).
The canards that these "rights" could be extended to, say, chickens or ants are merely attempts to discredit discussion, not real concerns, and I disregard them other than to call them what they are.
cjrgreen: I don't recall their proposal having anything to do with eugenics, or any of the proponents having any association with any eugenics movement.
Take your straw man somewhere else.
sajin: Mistook to select word,not Eugenics,"Scientific Racism" is right.
I don't think you made a mistake at all. You meant to discredit the people who advanced this proposal by unfounded name-calling. Provide a foundation for your statement or retract it.