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So I just fired up Mirrows Edge, would never had bought it if it wasn't included in that Origin bundle.

I played it for a couple of minutes, started the tutorial (which was very obnoxious and unsettling) and started the first map.
Everything worked smoothly until you have to make a long jump from one rooftop to another trying to hit some pipe which you grab to climb up.

I missed that jump.
Like 20 times or so...

So I didn't have do to the same level again, it starts just a couple of seconds before, which is refreshing but hardcore gamers probably would disagree.
I'm having a bad day so I'm edgy and agressive to say the least but then I stopped and wondered for a moment.

If I'm too bad to fail that jump in the beginning, maybe I'm not meant to enjoy this game.

Or should I enjoy and revel in the fact that stupid and incompetent Faith (the protaginist) agonizly fell down a skyscraper while the satisfying crunch of broken bones fills your ears just before the reload screen appears?
She actually deserve this. She is actually breaking the laws and running like stupid from one rooftop to the next, just like enzo did only that he had some nice blade and better clothing style.

Another thought:

How many times I should retry that jump until I'm allowed to toss this game away, declaring it rubbish?

Is failure part of the game experience? There are games where you never really fail, or games that really are too easy for you but obviously some effort was put into the fact that your character just died, so you are bound to fail, to die, to miss the first jump, but when does that failure turns out to be too much to bear.
When is your personal failure or the possible risk of dying in game not enhancing your gameplay but detrimental to your gaming experience?
It's detrimental to my gaming experience when my ineptitude prevents me from seeing the rest of the game that I purchased. An "Ah, fuckit - I give up" option would be nice, where you get a pass on some impossible-for-you part of the game. Note the "option" part, so you can keep plugging away until you find success if you so choose.
Only game I had that problem in was the Tutorial in the original Driver.

Though don't give up on Mirror's Edge, I honestly had a blast when I played it the first time.
I don't remember having that problem with Mirror's Edge, but I did have a similar problem with the new Tomb Raider.

I found the quick time events to be *very* punishing, and confusing as to what I was even meant to be doing (perhaps a PC port issue?). They allowed for this by rewinding about 3 seconds whenever you failed so you can immediately try again.

But it just become a game of mash buttons until you get the magic order. There was no sense of acheivement and no reason to care about failure. I really think this was a huge weakness in the game, if they made these sections easier I wouldn't have found them so stupid, and it would have allowed the option to increase the failure penalty.
I did try a demo of Mirror's Edge a while ago, and my interest lasted all of five minutes because of that same reason. Never thought about it again.
wolfsite: Only game I had that problem in was the Tutorial in the original Driver.
Was about to say that, it took me literally years before I was able to beat the damn tutorial in Driver.

Another good example of failure being detrimental to the experience is pretty much crashing in any Gradius game. When you die, you lose all of your power ups and trust me when I say that it is a nightmare to progress through later stages of any Gradius game with a weak arsenal, especially in the arcade versions of Gradius II and III.
Post edited August 15, 2013 by SpooferJahk
HereForTheBeer: It's detrimental to my gaming experience when my ineptitude prevents me from seeing the rest of the game that I purchased.
Same here.
I didn't have a problem with falling a lot of times in Mirror's Edge when I first played it because the game didn't punish me by making me repeat whole 30-minute segments for missing the timing on a single jump. I'd be frustrated if I'd have to repeat from the beginning every time I miss a jump.

Though there were many trial and error portions, they were tolerable. Plus, being able to do a "perfect run" after repeatedly falling was very satisfying for me.
I think there was a scene late in the Tribes: Vengeance campaign where you have ski to one end of a long hallway and back within several seconds, and I was never able to complete the game because I couldn't get past that section. =/
There's nothing wrong with saying you don't have the skill, aptitude or patience for a particular kind of game. The fact you never bought Mirror's Edge despite it being $5 like a hundred times the past 5 years tells me it's not really your thing anyway. I loved the game, but you don't need to. Games do not have to be made to please everyone.

This is why I don't play RTS games. They stress me out and I suck at them, they make me nervous and edgy and I am not good at planning or moving units on the fly. So I don't play them very often, and when I do I play on easy. I would never expect RTS developers to cater to me though, it's just not my thing, and that's okay.
StingingVelvet: There's nothing wrong with saying you don't have the skill, aptitude or patience for a particular kind of game. The fact you never bought Mirror's Edge despite it being $5 like a hundred times the past 5 years tells me it's not really your thing anyway. I loved the game, but you don't need to. Games do not have to be made to please everyone.

This is why I don't play RTS games. They stress me out and I suck at them, they make me nervous and edgy and I am not good at planning or moving units on the fly. So I don't play them very often, and when I do I play on easy. I would never expect RTS developers to cater to me though, it's just not my thing, and that's okay.
you should use cheats in rts, its the only thing that makes it fun, who has time to build bases come on

as for the op problem, never had such issue in mirror edge, u sure its not a bug
I feel the same way about the jump puzzles in gw2. I love the game but I never got the hang of jumping, and I had a horrible experience doing the pirates jump puzzle in LA. Hours I spent on the jump puzzle and missing over and over and over and over and over...and over again. Its frustrating. I probably wouldn't have finished it without the encouragement of my guild, but I had to take a break for the night at the risk of chucking my laptop out the window.

Since then I try to avoid jumping whenever possible in that game. It is frustrating and the one area of the game I hate. I don't see anything wrong with having a part of the game or a type of game that you don't like and avoid. It is not that the puzzles themselves are bad, it is just my weak area.

To me, gaming is about fun and we all have our weakpoints and strongpoints. Of course there is nothing more rewarding than getting past that block, but only you can say if it is worth continuing. It is a matter of deciding if it is worth your time. I don't like jump puzzles or jumping in gw2, so I just find something else to do ingame. Maybe someday I'll become adequet, but for now I don't feel it is worth time.

Just because you don't feel like you can get past it now does not mean you'll never get passed it later. I did finish the pirates jump puzzle after trying again the next day when my nerves were calmed. Granted the game did save my progress, but the point is I did succeed eventually. Maybe you'll get through it too someday.
Post edited August 16, 2013 by Thunderstone
When is your personal failure or the possible risk of dying in game not enhancing your gameplay but detrimental to your gaming experience?
Some of us -Love- Dark Souls, but some others prefer more Call of Duty -movie experience.

Its really matter of taste whether you simply like to see "automatic progress" irrelevant of player skill (or lack of it)....or whether youre sort of adrenaline junkie who likes to overcome difficulties.

Then again some games are just designed in bad way and the difficulty can be sort of unintentional.

I remember running through Mirror's Edge and liked it very much. Checkpoints (which didnt exist in my childhood) were pretty close to each other as well.
One thing that always seems to get me are the bouncy spring thingies in the old mario games.No matter how hard I try, I can never seem to time the jump right and always fall in the hole and die.
Don't worry, I feel the same with every platformer I try. And every Assassin's Creed, Price of Persia and the likes of it too. I just don't have the skill for those. Heck I have to play The Witcher 2 on the easiest, since I simply suck at QTEs and its combat.