JaqFrost: Just watched the
WTF is... Legend of Grimrock and it looks fun enough for me to invest $4, but I'd love to hear your take on the game mechanics if you don't mind sharing?
MichaelFurlong: I have heard that the combat is particularly difficult and requires people to use gimmicky tactics (Attack, run back, attack, run back. Or circling enemies, using poor AI to win combat rather than any tactical decisions.
Yeah, that's a big turn-off for me as well. It's accurate to the original games it's inspired by, but was also one of the worst aspects of them. The ones where you just stood there and it turned into a click-fest were just as bad.
I also really wish it didn't use real-time combat, especially for a party-based game. If it had turn-based combat it would open the door to making things more strategic as well.
Can anyone comment on how it compares to Etrian Odyssey? I noticed that they're reprinted the older titles as part of the marketing push for the new 3DS one.