Posted November 21, 2014

Oral agreements should probably only be made on a one-on-one level, usually something like 'buy this for me and i'll get you dinner tomorrow night' type of thing. For anything that is a financial stakes or a larger company, you want a written contract... Although it doesn't help the person who had the oral contract got fired for some reason.
But still for them to blatantly invalidate a contract and try to hold it up in court...?
I hold slightly less faith in corporations now; And although i give kudos to steam for trying to help the dev team from the publisher's insane actions, i can't help but feel sad :(
If you can still add custom tags, i'd add a tag, something like #OMG_TOPWARE_PUBLISHER_SCREWING_DEVS_DONT_BUY, it would get the message out and either be filtered out as spam or someone curious enough would do a search and find the article in question.
I wouldn't put negative reviews on games just because Topware is the publisher. But i would definitely want to do something...
Hmmm i say contact (on Youtube) TotalBiscuit and Rich at ReviewTechUSA (he also has a Facebook page), enough people watch them that it would definitely reach a lot more people. I also keep watch of AlphaOmegaSin.