HereForTheBeer: Before putting Topware in the hangman's noose of public opinion, any verification of the court cases and such? This is a bit one-sided for now, and retractions are all-but-pointless once the damage is done.
The article seemed pretty genuine and flow of events (Steam cancellation, litigations) check out.
It's also on their official blog so it's not just some shmo who impersonated them.
And finally, the timeline on their blog (been talking about this for over a year) indicate that this isn't a knee-jerk last minute idea.
I'd dub this one very likely.
amok: you do realise that boycotts like this hurts developers like Reality Pump much more than the publisher? You are also punishing Reality Pump here for Topware's actions.
In the short term, it sucks for the couple of devs already with them (hope they manage to jump ship), but in the long term, it's more beneficial to send a clear message that this sort of crap won't fly, especially given that the law seems rather complacent and lax to take action (wouldn't be the first time).
Simply put, I want not to give these guys any money to keep their scam operations up more than I want to support the few devs already in their webs. When you think about it, it's a kindness to future devs who might get caught in this cesspool.
grimwerk: Given that Topware has filed for bankruptcy, I wonder if this is a moot point.
Only once they are dead and buried.
OlivawR: Instead of paying a lawyer they should've paid an accountant (I don't know if they need really that for a small studio) and self publish the game. This way they only had to split the money with Valve. Pay Valve, pay taxes, pay publisher, pay lawyer, pay...
I'm of that mindset also, but it's partly because I'm paranoid and partly because I'm an idiot as far as marketing goes.
When your product is good and you are an unknown, good marketing really pays off. Simply put, it's better to get 70% of a million copies sold and 100% of 10k copies sold.