Precisely. And I wouldn't do this for a game, I make it a policy not to do crazy stuff for rewards, I'd get carried away and the next thing ya know I'd be on a reality show doing horribly degrading and disgusting things like eating dinner with Nancy Pelosi for a year's free supply of botox 'n' breadsticks.
And to do this, you take a tablespoon or so of alcohol hand sanitizer and hold it in your palm, light it off, and allow it to roll back and forth. Once it's burning well, let it run down your fingers and flick it at things, and it looks like you're throwing fire. This trick works because the portion of the flame nearest your hand burns more coolly than the upper portion. Your skin can still heat up pretty quickly, though, so you can't do this for more than a few seconds.
And uh...I have no idea what happened there to that post. That's bizarre.
EDIT 3: And I just removed the quotes. That was really odd.
Post edited April 19, 2010 by Runehamster