well first off to fill 25-50gb of disk space you have to first HAVE 25-50gb worth of files that you don't mind not having instant access to / are OK with no being able to modify the file structure (like adding and subtracting files on the fly).
when you think about it the only thing BD is good for is creating a commercial product that you intend to sell, but most commercial BD players will not play disks with copy protection, and anything for personal/private use is better off saved on a hard drive or flash drive.
I think BD is good for massive archival house cleaning, but not much else ... like maybe a digital artist / digital photographer / digital musician would have a need for them in having a one stop backup location for all the editing materials that went into a product.
well, I guess the more obvious reason would be the "I wanna burn my torrents to disk" avenue.
Wishbone: The BluRay format won't become commonly used on PC unless publishers start releasing PC games on BluRay, which does not seem to be about to happen.
it would have happened if not for the onset of digital distribution ... now we are likely to never see a return to physical media PC games.