Posted January 23, 2012
Random thing, I've been updating my insurance for moving in with some friends and my estimates for our possession have pushed us out of being able to be insured. We have large collections of DvDs, CDs and games. I'm being thrown by the fact that they have to be insured at the price it would be to buy them new, is that a new game/CD price i.e £40 for pc and 10-15 for CD or the cost to find that exact item new (which in some cases would roll up to the hundreds as old games can only be got 2nd hand).
Does anyone have any advice on this (Or where to find decent shared renter's insurance), as currently I seem to be stuck at only being able to get a maximum of 85k content insurance (as we are 5 people renting together so therefore higher risk than families..) unless I pay the landlord to install a £400 alarm and bringing the insurance to over 2k.
Does anyone have any advice on this (Or where to find decent shared renter's insurance), as currently I seem to be stuck at only being able to get a maximum of 85k content insurance (as we are 5 people renting together so therefore higher risk than families..) unless I pay the landlord to install a £400 alarm and bringing the insurance to over 2k.
This question / problem has been solved by reaver894