197 ... and counting
My blissful buying sprees are pretty much over now that I own all of the games I was really interested in (including a handful of rash impulse purchases here and there - not to be repeated), with the exception of a few on my wishlist. Unless I'm dying to play something I can wait now, since I'm finally really concentrating on actually going through the games I've bought. I've pretty much stopped looking at any other DD sites and retail. GOG may not be the end-all, be-all answer to gaming but it certainly keeps me plenty occupied these days - hell it's the number one reason that brought me back into the Windows gaming fold. I never was too keen on Steam and its ilk for several reasons, even before GOG came about. GOG simply makes everything pretty much painless.
I'm not intentionally waiting for sales but if one of my wishlisted games is in one before I decide I would finally like to try title X, all the better. As said, my backlog greatly reduces my need for new(ish) game infusions. Money is not that big of an issue for me even if I'm not earning that well (barely above minimum wage).
In general, I still consider GOG a very affordable place to shop if you're a gamer on a budget, with or without sales.
"I'm A Ramblin' Man!" ;)