fablefox: Define "straight".
There was a time I could really use some rest (and at that time I have the means to do so) I spent quite a while gaming. I just want to forget about stuff. It was one of the moment that I mentioned 18 hours something something few post up.
But please define "straight", since I still pause the game to go for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and put clothes into automated washing machine.
scampywiak: That was a morbid joke that I apparently didn't set up very well. in reality, probably 6 hrs or so at a time is the most I game.
I knew it but still want to find out anyway. There are people who always try to achieve this "early retirement" and they do all kind of things: gardening, reading, travelling, etc, etc. Too bad I haven't read one on gaming.
Myself someday it will be gaming + movies + music.
I remind me of a guy who lucky enough to be a child of a rich tycoon, and smart enough to run company from his home, and spent most of his time with his four wives (polygamy is legal there). He said if he knew how fun it was, he would married earlier.
I read it in the newspaper when I was, like, 10? Some people do have all the luck.