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As the question asks how long do you usually play a game when you get started?

For me it really depends on what game I pick up. With certain genres (RPGs, Action Adventure, MMOs, Shmups) I feel like playing 2-4 hours whenever I get around to them, otherwise if I don't I don't feel like I've gotten that far or accomplish anything. For others I sometimes usually play 1-2 hours if they're short or don't require that much time.

Judging from what I wrote I guess I put towards 10-30 hours or possibly more per week. It really all depends on schoolwork and what game I'm playing (Guild Wars 2 :P). Kind of curious now when I think about it.
Depends on the game.... When I bought Jagged Alliance back in action i played that for 3 days straight.. now I hardly do.. I played Fallout 2 for weeks.. Baldurs gate on and off for awhile...
Definitely depends on the game, but I like to spend at least an hour at a time. I do like it when games make it easy to drop in and just play for a bit, though. That's something a lot of TBS games are good at.
Depends on the game...

Medieval 2 Total War - several battles per day as it was boring me very fast.

StarCraft 2 - few battles per day usually, 10-15 hours per day during the first few weeks of owning the game.

WoW - as much as I can per day, when I was playing it.

Neighbours from Hell - one or two scenes per day as it was, again, boring me very fast.

............. depends on the gameeeeee!
It all depends because I'm in college and I'm married.. I put like 7 hours into ultima 7 the other day though.
Very much depends on my current mood, the game, time of the year, ammount of clothes on my wife.
Depends on the mood but I prefer to sit longer then less so if I'm not in a game mood I prefer to find something else to do. RPGs and addicting multiplayers can go from 4 hours to 20 hours (with small breaks like toilet, beverage, food). For others it's barely a few hours nowadays even though I've time.

The problem is that I either find myself in a position I consider the game to be too casual but still fun and then I just don't want to play or I find the game very addicting and continue to play until the game is no fun anymore because I've played too much.
Fenixp: Very much depends on my current mood, the game, time of the year, ammount of clothes on my wife.
I like your style +1 :)

thank you for the smile :)
If it's a lazy saturday, the weather sucks, and I've nothing else to do I can easily clock in ten hours on a game.

The average is an hour or two, though.
It depends entirely on what I'm doing, as gaming is typically fairly low in my list of priorities. But when I have nothing better to do, I will game indefinitely.
Depends on the genre. It looks something like this for the ones I actually play:

Story focused RPG: I will only play these for long chunks of time because when I get going in an RPG it isn't unheard of for me to lose 10 hours at a time. Any less time and I feel like I've been cheated of the experience.

ARPG: Depends, I can go for days with buddies or I can play it as a lunch break game.

MOBAs: Between a few hours and a complete day depending on who I'm playing with.

FPS: A couple of hours at most. My reflexes are terrible at this point after dedicating myself to less twitchy games.

Action game: See FPS.

Turn based strategy: An hour or two at most. I have a lot less patience for these games then I should because they lack the story component I feel drawn to in my games now.
Usually, I'll only play multiplayer games for long stretches of time and it depends on the game and who I'm playing with. Otherwise, I usually max out around an hour or two, unless I'm really in the zone.
Seem to be getting Attention Deficit Disorder as I get older :)

Lately, less than an hour at a time. Although last night I spent 2 hours on LEGO Harry Potter what with playing the game, checking Let's Plays to figure out what the hell I was doing wrong, going back to the game and STILL NOT ADVANCING ONE STEP AS THE FUCKING GAME SUCKS! - Just kidding. Love it, but man, for a kid's game it's hard.

I was thinking about this the other day, though after another typical night. An hour spent on the Internet, an hour on LEGO Harry Potter, 15 minutes spent reading my latest British crime novel while sat on the loo, 45 minutes of watching Lord of the Rings and then back to the Internet and LEGO Harry Potter.

See! The attention span of a flea :)
Bloodygoodgames: Seem to be getting Attention Deficit Disorder as I get older :)

Lately, less than an hour at a time. Although last night I spent 2 hours on LEGO Harry Potter what with playing the game, checking Let's Plays to figure out what the hell I was doing wrong, going back to the game and STILL NOT ADVANCING ONE STEP AS THE FUCKING GAME SUCKS! - Just kidding. Love it, but man, for a kid's game it's hard.
Only played the Star Wars (1-3) and the first Indiana Jones Lego games and they really didn't seem all that hard. Looking at one of the walkthroughs for the first part seems pretty straight forward for the most part. Guess it's just me though :l

Bloodygoodgames: I was thinking about this the other day, though after another typical night. An hour spent on the Internet, an hour on LEGO Harry Potter, 15 minutes spent reading my latest British crime novel while sat on the loo, 45 minutes of watching Lord of the Rings and then back to the Internet and LEGO Harry Potter.

See! The attention span of a flea :)
I can relate, although most times it's just deciding what to do really. Finished work and other stuff and just figuring out what to do next.
I never stop gaming.

I my head, the game goes on FOREVER!