Elmofongo: why is it that how I see it a majority of people does not like government run healthcare whats wrong with the idea of the government taking care of your health.
kavazovangel: Public healthcare is great for the average person with average conditions, diseases and crap. But when the question is about life or death, you'd be better off going into a private organization for testing and surgery.
This completely applies in the US, and I can't imagine it's too much different elsewhere. Even Canadian friends will admit that seeing a specialist is a huge deal that takes months and requires lots of paperwork. When my sibling got a serious illness, being able to see a specialist quickly (I think it was a week or two) meant my sibling could get the meds needed then and not later. If we'd had to wait longer or try to convince people that we really did need a specialist, it would have been a different story.
There's also the fact that Britain is backing away from the NHS, medial tourism from nationalized healthcare European countries for basic stuff (not just cosmetic surgery, but apparently dentistry, even). Nationalized healthcare isn't as great a thing as a lot of people think.
I've dealt with a lot of public systems (school, unemployment benefits, and healthcare) and I just don't think it's a good idea for the US. In a different culture, or in a place where people were a lot closer to the physical average, it might work better. But the US is a lot bigger and more diverse than the places that have tried to nationalize healthcare in a serious way, and I don't think it would work. Especially given that Britain and other European countries are gently backing away from it in light of debt problems.