Navagon: Starforce and Tages are similar but worse. Much worse. I'd strongly advise avoiding games with these two as they have a very, very, very bad history. If it's a choice between installing one of these or a random virus, I'll take my chances with the virus.
I do wish people would actually give some information when they keep making these statements. I've read, over and over how various kinds of these suits of software are "BAD" but almost all the people touting that just say "its BAD" without ever actually going into any detail about what BAD actually means.
A few who do generally give very all encompassing answers or those which are so general and vague that its clear they don't really have a clue what they mean. In short I think there is a lot of anti-DRM propaganda out there being repeated over and over until such a point that there is no actual informed people making or spreading the info (by which point any warning about actual problems with the DRM software becomes lost in a sea of missinformation).
In short - add some facts to the statements :)
Ps - generally the only major complaints I've read about Securom and some others are:
1) The uninstaller is poorly written and remains of the program remain upon your PC - most don't have any clue if these remaining components remain active in any fashion or actually as viable operating programs.
2) Sometimes they prevent certain games running when combined with specific hardware/software combinations.
The latter is often one of the bigger reasons I see stated against the DRM software options such as those named above; even though its generally a minority problem.