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I'm just curious more than anything else.

How do you like to play your games? Do you play one game at time? Several at once? Do you play a series in order or jump around? Do you play it straight up or vanilla at first or mod it right away? Do you finish most of the games that you play or stop when you get stuck or bored or a new game catches your eye?

And another question:

What was your favorite game that you played this year? Mine was Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords with the completion mod. This mod took some dedicated player 9 years or something to complete. Great to revisit this old classic and with the mod it seemed so much more....well complete. Alas, I don't recall off hand who put in the work to bring me such enjoyment this year but my heartfelt thanks goes out to him and his team. Good times.

Thanks to all who take a few minutes to satisfy my curiosity.
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I have a backlog of about 60 games, 20 of which are installed, 3-4 of which I play at the same time.

Typically, it will be:
-1-2 P&C adventure games or one P&C and one RPG (more than that and I start forgetting about the story/puzzles/quests)
-one or max. 2 RTS / TBS (more than that and remembering hotkeys becomes difficult)
-one low stress managerial game or action game for relaxing the brain.

So currently that would be Syberia 1 and 'I Have no Mouth and I must Scream' for adventures, Stronghold Crusader for RTS and Open Transport Tycoon when I want to wind down or get stuck elsewhere. When I have the nerve for it, I also play Commandos which -after all those years- I still haven't finished.

Series are played in order especially when that makes sense plot wise (example: Syberia). If I don't like the first game in a series, I'll abort it rather early and start on the next one. No need to go OCD completionist if you're not enjoying it. You're just wasting precious time.

For some series, I prefer starting in the middle and playing the earliest titles afterwards.


Wizardry: start with 6 and 7, then 8 if you don't mind the grind. If you're a masochist, play 4. 1-3 and 5 for completionists only.
Tex Murphy: start with 3 (Under a Killling Moon), and once you're done with 3-5 you can play 1 and 2 but it's not a must.
Ultima: start with the first one you can graphically tolerate, for most people this will be 6 or 7. If graphics don't matter, start with 4. And ignore the hate on 8, it's unfinished and buggy but has the moodiest atmosphere. 9 can be left out.
Final Fantasy: start with 6 and 7, then play 4 and 5. After that it doesn't really matter which one.

Last but not least, favorite game this year was Machinarium. Cute game, low stress, short and not too difficult but satisfying and memorable.
Post edited December 30, 2013 by awalterj
I made a post regarding this subject in a similar thread and while the post ended up 'high rated' I think I owe it to the community here to refrain from repeating my previous answer and making everyone violently ill. :D
whodares2: What was your favorite game that you played this year? Mine was Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords with the completion mod. This mod took some dedicated player 9 years or something to complete. Great to revisit this old classic and with the mod it seemed so much more....well complete. Alas, I don't recall off hand who put in the work to bring me such enjoyment this year but my heartfelt thanks goes out to him and his team. Good times.
Check out M4-78 Enhancement Project by the same team, it restores cut droid planet and fills it with fun content. Really hope they'll continue their Ending Improvement mod and GenoHardran restoration (both being works of the same modding community, both on hold at the moment).
And the best thing I played for the first time in 2013 must be Deadly Premonition :) The best games I re-played (like every year) were: Sanitarium, Grim Fandango, Planescape: Torment and The Cat Lady.
Usually play one game at time. If I can't get hooked into it, I move on to something else, promising myself to come back to the earlier one when I'm in a better mood... but it rarely happens.
Post edited December 30, 2013 by Novotnus
tinyE: I made a post regarding this subject in a similar thread and while the post ended up 'high rated' I think I owe it to the community here to refrain from repeating my previous answer and making everyone violently ill. :D
It's going to be 'nude', isn't it?
tinyE: I made a post regarding this subject in a similar thread and while the post ended up 'high rated' I think I owe it to the community here to refrain from repeating my previous answer and making everyone violently ill. :D
wizardtypething: It's going to be 'nude', isn't it?
Huh? Who are you? What are you talking about? :P
As opposed to tinyE, I'm playing my games with my clothes on :D

Also, I tend to play them one at a time, especially since I mostly play RPGs. Though I played Limbo not long before I finished Planescape: Torment, so sometimes I might deviate from my standard behavior :P
But seeing how I have tons of games I've yet to play, I might start installing more and just taking turns in playing them. Don't want to have too many installed because that might prove to be too much....temptation =D
i play them with my hands, and my eyes.
whodares2: How do you like to play your games? Do you play one game at time? Several at once? Do you play a series in order or jump around? Do you play it straight up or vanilla at first or mod it right away? Do you finish most of the games that you play or stop when you get stuck or bored or a new game catches your eye?
I play 1-3 games at a time, almost never modded on either first or subsequent playthroughs. I tend to finish any game I like before moving on, but if I don't like it I'll abandon it. If I am new to a series I will play it in order, and if I don't like an installment I will abandon the whole series if the stories are connected. If they aren't connected I will try another installment depending on if I read that the parts I didn't like have changed.
whodares2: What was your favorite game that you played this year?
I'm really not sure. Possibly Mugen Souls, but that might've been late 2012 on release. I'm also not sure if I played Kingdoms of Amalur this year or last. If either of those were last year, that pretty much leaves Project Diva F for this year. I'm a Vocaloid fan, sue me :P
Naked, with an inflatable doll attached...

Oh I see, um, well. I tend to play one through at a time, especially with GOGs, I might have a different curiosity going on steam. Then if the GOG's good, I play the next in the series if it exists.

Best game this year: BioShock: Infinite.
For me it's difficult to play only one game at once, because I'm travelling between several places and so I play different games everywhere. And sometimes you are in a mood for a certain game and then you have to stop in order to play anything else which perhaps isn't the best way to get oneself into a game...

Considering an order, well, I always try to play game series in the right order but often enough there are games in a serie which interest you more than their predecessors.
for example I urgently wanted to play Return to Krondor before Betrayal at Krondor cause even though I like old graphics that was to much of it, I couldn't stand the almost sketchy landscapes where you would desperately run around without a single place you could recognize so that you know where you actually are.
and I want to play Under a Killing Moon, like already mentioned before in this thread, first ,because somehow it seems most attractive.
Furthermore I started Wizardry with part 8, Might and Magic with part 6 , The Elder Scrolls with Morrowind, Commander Keen with part 4 ,Pool of Radiance with Ruins of Myth Drannor and Realms of Arkania/Die Nordland Triologie with 3...(there would be even more examples)
but I think most of the time thats not that important and when you liked a game you can buy the first parts afterwards if you really want to know how the series began.
anyway it's good to look up first if the story of a game needs to be followed from the beginning or if you just can jump in later.
And with patches...I almost never patch my games and I hate mods. Only mod I ever used was the mod for the inventory in Skyrim, but I put that game aside after a short time either way.

The games which sweetened this year for me were Realms of the Haunting, Outcast and Sanitarium (which I played the second time now, thanks GOG) and for Xbox 360 : Condemned 2 : Bloodshot , Bioshock 1 and Deadly Premonition. It is only a pity that I didn't managed playing Planescape Torment again, I would have loved to...
I sometimes play one, but usually it's two and seldom three. I like to play to the finish, but if I keep dying or getting killed, then I'll give it a rest and play another game to give myself a break. My favs are Adventures, RPG and Survivals. Miasmata was a great survival.

If I get bored with a game, I stop playing it. I always play games in order such as the Dracula series, Broken Sword, Gabriel Knight or the Penumbra series. I don't concern myself if games are more than one such as Tex Murphy and I play which ever one suits me at the time.

Right now I'm playing Outlast and Bioshock Infinite.

Good thread.
Novotnus: Check out M4-78 Enhancement Project by the same team, it restores cut droid planet and fills it with fun content. Really hope they'll continue their Ending Improvement mod and GenoHardran restoration (both being works of the same modding community, both on hold at the moment).
I think the droid planet and ending may have been integrated into the Completion Mod because I played through a whole area of HK-50s and '51s. The ending was also for more fluid and seemed to have a lot more to the story and choices from when I first played it all those years ago.

Anyway, thanks for the response I'll look into that project as it worth another play through if there is still more to do.
I play a couple at the same time, until I find one game that completely immerses me.
I have a written list of 20 that I hop around with
My current list is
Burnout Paradise
Zeus (Citybuilder)
The (Even More) Incedible Machine
Klingon Honor Guard
Enter the Matrix
Crimson Skies
Cave Story+
Age of Empires
TES 1: Arena
C&C Red Alert
IceWind Dale

I think Anachronox was best this year...