GoJays2025: There are some brutally violent scenes in that movie (both shown and implied). I'd worry about that rather than the language and sexual content.
rampancy: Heh, reminds me of how Evangelical Christians in the US would flock to see Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ*, even bringing in their young children to come see it, while at the same time blowing a gasket about things like Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction". *I think it's fair to point out that a lot of Protestants and Catholics, including myself, found that movie's depiction of Jesus and the Crucifixion deeply offensive.
I don't plan on seeing it, even if that was how it really went down. I think, when it comes to Christianity and even religious or spiritual concepts in general, there are far bigger things that movies could portray and explore.
EDIT: A movie like "Courageous" is cheesy and preachy at times, but I'd suggest there are important, practical points made in it about family and the role of the father.