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ET3D: One reason we don't ask or talk about how we really feel in general company is just that neither side feels it's the other side's business. It's something you save for closer people. Another reason is that if anyone says they feel terrible, that pretty much kills any fun, any conversation... It's hard to deal with the hardships of another person. Very few people can do it adequately, and without themselves getting down as a result. That goes for closer people too. If whenever you talk about your life you tell people about your troubles, and you rarely tell anything positive, pretty soon people will stop asking you how you're doing.
Generally, when I'm feeling really shit, I prefer to rant at strangers.
The people close to me generally have enough crap of their own to deal with.
I don't want to weigh them down further with my issues.
This thread needs a Sean Connery-level uppercut to the mandible area.

How am I doing? Fine, only not nearly intoxicated as the OP.
evilnancyreagan: you've earned a tip of my fancy hat
Thank you, good Sir or Madam. :)

Melhelix: Thank you for asking.
You are welcome! Glad to hear things are looking up for you, and I hope whatever news you're getting by next Friday are good news for you and your family. :)

Nirth: /rant off
Wait, was that rant aimed at me? Seems like we are in agreement? Oo

As for the rest of your post - glad to hear that you're back on track! I'm in a similar situation, where I'm finally getting back on top of my school work, and I even have a couple of jobs for the Summer, so I'm happier than I have been for a long time! As far as video games go, perhaps you're just temporarily tired of them? Gaming is a periodical thing for me, where I can't get enough of it one day, while the next I get bored just thinking about playing anything. It'll work itself out - in the meantime, do something else you enjoy doing, or find a new hobby. It never hurts to expand your horizons. :)

ET3D: If whenever you talk about your life you tell people about your troubles, and you rarely tell anything positive, pretty soon people will stop asking you how you're doing.
Sure, but if you have a friend who is being negative about everything all the time, chances are that they need professional counseling. Why not just say "look buddy, I get that you're down and that you don't have a lot of positive stuff going on in your life right now, but I'm not equipped to deal with that on a long-term basis. I'm your friend and I like hanging out with you, but I think it would be good for you to seek professional help. That would help you both with your personal issues and in your relationships with your friends and family."

Granted, some people just complain although they have no reason to. Sometimes, the best solution is a little real talk. ;)

babark: Nice of you to provide the opportunity for those who want some space to talk.
Thank you! I just think that we're not used to genuinely asking and honestly answering the question "how are you doing", and I wanted to provide a space where people can do so. I think many people are afraid of asking sincerely because they wouldn't know what to do if someone answers "I'm doing terribly and I feel like shit", and that's a shame. Everyone could benefit from learning how to asking sincerely, answering honestly, and knowing how to deal with a difficult response.

Emob78: How am I doing? Fine, only not nearly intoxicated as the OP.
Do I have to be inebriated to wonder how people are doing? :)
Announcement: Wait, was that rant aimed at me? Seems like we are in agreement? Oo
It looks like that but no, it was more in general towards people who use the phrase "think of the poor children in Africa" when someone says stuff like "I missed the bus today" or "we have bad weather".

Announcement: As far as video games go, perhaps you're just temporarily tired of them? Gaming is a periodical thing for me, where I can't get enough of it one day, while the next I get bored just thinking about playing anything.
I think I am, it's like I feel "this I've seen before" even before I've started playing and only a few moments do a I get a glimpse of what I used to enjoy. This has pushed me to try many games just to see if it makes a difference and unfortunately it doesn't. I've been started to play only an hour or two, I hated that when I was younger as I wanted to play until I couldn't stomach the game anymore but now it's the other way around (sort of). With future studies, work and new interests I'll have less energy and time to devote it to games so that might make it more worthwhile once I get a sudden urge to play, hopefully lol.
Too many individual things in life to evaluate, collate, and try to come up with a relative good, bad, or indifferent; however, my general feeling of well-being right now is on the positive side of things. Not sure why that is, since I can come up with several things that should be causing worry, stress, or a bad attitude. Yet I'm still feeling decently about life right now.

In the end, I suppose that's what matters.