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-How are you doing?
-Fine, fine, like always.

In reality you wanna say: BAD! No not even bad, more like atrocious really! :P
GastonArg: In reality you wanna say: BAD! No not even bad, more like atrocious really! :P
Indeed, and that's why I'm asking. Because I think most people have stuff to deal with, and I want to give you all a place to talk about it. :)
how am I doing?

fine comparatively to the rest of this messed up world

hard to complain about my first world problems when almost a billion people don't have anything to eat or even clean water to drink

CarrionCrow: Basic politeness adhered to by both parts and nothing more.
Announcement: For the most part you are right, but in this particular case it is a genuine question, and I would like a genuine answer. :) How are you?

monkeydelarge: I hate small talk. I wish people would only use "How are you doing?" when they are really curious about people's lives like the OP.
Announcement: I agree! I never got why "how are you doing" became a superficial greeting when it could be so much more than that. In that vein - how are you? :)
In the name of honesty in the face of an honest question? Ups and downs. But nothing I'm not used to, thank you for asking. And you?
evilnancyreagan: hard to complain about my first world problems when almost a billion people don't have anything to eat or even clean water to drink
I get what you're saying, but the fact that someone might have it worse does not mean you don't have it bad. We might not struggle to find food and water every day, but a serious depression or major economic problems or any other situation can be just as heavy and debilitating. No situation is too "first-world" to be discussed here. :)
CarrionCrow: In the name of honesty in the face of an honest question? Ups and downs. But nothing I'm not used to, thank you for asking. And you?
Anything in particular you'd like to talk about?

I'm doing alright, thank you! I've struggled with depression and anxiety for most of my life, but things are finally looking up for me! Just thought that maybe I should pay it forward, you know. I'm doing alright now, but I still remember and know very well what it's like to feel like absolute sh*t.
Post edited May 18, 2014 by Announcement
evilnancyreagan: hard to complain about my first world problems when almost a billion people don't have anything to eat or even clean water to drink
Announcement: I get what you're saying, but the fact that someone might have it worse does not mean you don't have it bad. We might not struggle to find food and water every day, but a serious depression or major economic problems or any other situation can be just as heavy and debilitating. No situation is too "first-world" to be discussed here. :)
valid rebuttal, well-played. so long as we are at least aware of these issues. we are emotional creatures subject to emotional responses, whodathunk!?

you've earned a tip of my fancy hat
evilnancyreagan: hard to complain about my first world problems when almost a billion people don't have anything to eat or even clean water to drink
Announcement: I get what you're saying, but the fact that someone might have it worse does not mean you don't have it bad. We might not struggle to find food and water every day, but a serious depression or major economic problems or any other situation can be just as heavy and debilitating. No situation is too "first-world" to be discussed here. :)
CarrionCrow: In the name of honesty in the face of an honest question? Ups and downs. But nothing I'm not used to, thank you for asking. And you?
Announcement: Anything in particular you'd like to talk about?

I'm doing alright, thank you! I've struggled with depression and anxiety for most of my life, but things are finally looking up for me! Just thought that maybe I should pay it forward, you know. I'm doing alright now, but I still remember and know very well what it's like to feel like absolute sh*t.
You're welcome. I appreciate the offer, but I'll spare you that. Good to hear that you're feeling better at least, though.
Better today than I have been in a very long while.

I actually have hope which is a good thing, as I didn't about a week or two ago. I don't want to jinx anything, but it looks like things may actually turn out for the better (I'll probably know by next Friday). This is the first honest bright spot my family has had in about two or three years, and the best one in about five-seven years… maybe even longer. So, I am doing better.

Thank you for asking.
Melhelix: Better today than I have been in a very long while.

I actually have hope which is a good thing, as I didn't about a week or two ago. I don't want to jinx anything, but it looks like things may actually turn out for the better (I'll probably know by next Friday). This is the first honest bright spot my family has had in about two or three years, and the best one in about five-seven years… maybe even longer. So, I am doing better.

Thank you for asking.
+1 on that!

I've been installing some of the games and just checking out the beginning. I found the King's Quest games require to enter a word from the manual to start the game. Minor nuisance.

Ironically the game I've liked the best so far is Pid. That one I bought because it was 99 cents and wanted to speed the counter along. It's a Portal kind of game where you need to think to get to the next area. Very challenging.
Looking for some interesting social commentary?

evilnancyreagan: how am I doing?

fine comparatively to the rest of this messed up world

hard to complain about my first world problems when almost a billion people don't have anything to eat or even clean water to drink

:\ rather try have some other "supporting power" for myself than the thought that someone else is worse off than me.

The world is full of misery and rather kinda concentrate one something else, if possible.
Announcement: I get what you're saying, but the fact that someone might have it worse does not mean you don't have it bad.
Relative daily problems is as bad as relative poverty. There was some bad ass monk from the 1400s that wrote some philosophical babble about how to live life with humbleness and one of the words were "don't compare yourself to others because there will always be someone worse or better in any situation.." If you want to help those who have it worse than others then freaking help them, don't judge others who don't have it "just as bad" and this applies to jealosy as well.

/rant off

As for doing in life in general I'm okay, maybe pretty okay due to getting my school work back on track after quitting high school and I found a summer job (through a relative but still!). I'm losing interest in video games which bother me to no ends because it doesn't feel like the answer is "changing personality" or something as simple but I don't know, maybe I'll find out why later or find new interests.
One reason we don't ask or talk about how we really feel in general company is just that neither side feels it's the other side's business. It's something you save for closer people. Another reason is that if anyone says they feel terrible, that pretty much kills any fun, any conversation... It's hard to deal with the hardships of another person. Very few people can do it adequately, and without themselves getting down as a result. That goes for closer people too. If whenever you talk about your life you tell people about your troubles, and you rarely tell anything positive, pretty soon people will stop asking you how you're doing.
My family (and as a result me) was never one for volunteering personal information, even to each other. Not saying that's good (or bad), just the way it is with me. Nice of you to provide the opportunity for those who want some space to talk.

I'm glad you're doing well, Announcement!
I'm okay as well, at least physically.