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JudasIscariot: Heheh ...Ultima 8.... the Fallout 3 of its day.
I, myself, liked the game once they patched out some of the stupid jumping portions in the Hall of the Mountain King.
What I liked about the game were the unique spells and the way you could craft foci and then use them. The only problem I had with the spell system is that some of these spells were so obviously situational that it hindered some of the enjoyment for me.
What many people did not like about U8 was that it took the series into a direction not usually associated with the Ultima games: more action oriented and no ability to create your character and modify his stats like you were able to in the previous 7 games(9 if you include the 2 Underworld games which were made of pure win, of course).
Also, U8 was slated to have an add-on that would have expanded the game world some more. I think it was called "The Lost Vale", IIRC.

AHA. So I wasn't the only one that was reminded of an Ultima 8/Fallout 3 parallel.
And I liked Ultima 8 quite a bit. It was unique, and not very Ultimish, but still an innovative, fun RPG, if a bit abortive and unfinished.
Aliasalpha: The Duke Nukem Forever of its day really.
TapeWorm: Funnily enough I got U9 running on Vista x64 without issue. It was an amusing night in IRC... I have no life.

I had no real trouble getting u9 to run, I only had trouble getting it to run WELL

Actually it ran pretty good. Mind you it took a dual core and a modern graphics card and 4 GB of RAM... :) I guess it was just ahead of its time.
yeah? I had trouble with it on a 2.8GHz P4c with 2GB of ram & a 265MB Geforce 6800GT. It ran OKAY but several slowdowns in crowded spots, nothing like as well as it should have since it had more power that was imagined at the time of development
phanboy4: Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor - which currently has 176 votes on the wishlist :)
Aliasalpha: Well yes that game is pretty bad but if memory serves they had the traditional reduced development time AND they made the cardinal error of switching to the brand new & shiny D&D 3rd edition halfway though the development so a lot of the time they COULD have spent making the game good was instead diverted into making the game 3rd edition

Ugghh, that game could have been a lot better if it wasn't so unfair.
Level 1 orcs with an armor class of 31? Give me a break. I never got past the (massive) first floor because of crap like that.
The original Pool of Radiance was awesome, though.
Aliasalpha: yeah? I had trouble with it on a 2.8GHz P4c with 2GB of ram & a 265MB Geforce 6800GT. It ran OKAY but several slowdowns in crowded spots, nothing like as well as it should have since it had more power that was imagined at the time of development

I tried it on my current comp (HD4870 512MB(, 3.03GHz, 2GB RAM), and didn't have much problems, and, I swear, it's the fastest loading game I've EVER played. I barely started the tutorial first, then saved and went to work. When I got home, I double clicked the shortcut, and about 5 seconds later the game hadn't only started up, but loaded the save, and was completely ready to play.
ElPixelIlustre: Ecstatica 1 + 2. They are not exactly terrible games, but I haven't seen enough ecstatica love in this forum.
acare84: These are epic games. I loved them so much and want them to come to GOG.

Second that! Go GOG!
Skystrider: Tekwar. It was a mediocre- to-barely-passable build-engine shooter until I got to the Matrix, and then it was flat out terrible!
The free-roaming cityscapes were kind of fun though, the first ten minutes.

Waitaminit... TekWar... as in the William Shatner books and mythically bad TV show? They made a game out of it too!? Okay, I might have to revise my "Big Rigs" vote, I really want to see this game instead!
Hmmm... I'm not old enough to remember a lot of really bad PC games. Sometimes I wonder if I'm missing out...
The Crystal Key
An adventure game. It has it all:
1) Moon logic. At one point, the way to proceed is by using jumper cables on a pile of rocks. It would have made sense had it been clear that you were up on a ledge -- the cable is used as a rope that you climb down. But it didn't, so the only logical reason you'd have for trying the cable on the rocks is if you were trying to electrocute them.
2) Pixel hunting. Find the one special black pixel in this screen full of black pixels!
3) Unwinnable situations. Didn't see the screwdriver when you were on the spaceship? The spaceship just took off without you? Congratulations, you can no longer complete the game!
The Last Dynasty.
Space sim with a side of adventure game. Laughably bad cutscenes. It takes a huge technological leap backwards by using sprites long after the entire games industry had moved to 3d. If you take too long to get your target in front of you, it will try and "help" you. It plays a cutscene of your ship dropping in behind your target, then dropping you back in the action in this new position. It's simultaneously disorienting and insulting! The adventure part wasn't too bad, aside from the trial and error death traps.
1. There was an RTS that I think was called "Z." Whenever you tried to direct your soldiers to a place on the map, the camera auto-centered over that place when you clicked on it. That meant that if you had multiple groups, you always had to go back and find where they were again each time you moved any one of them, in order to keep sending more troops in their different directions. No other RTS games had a camera system that worked that way at the time, because it makes no sense, and it completely ruined the game.
2. Earth 2160 (50?) had a pause command that didn't work; units still kept acting during the pause. As this was a very complex RTS, that was especially silly.
3. Daggerfall -- Terrible graphics even for its day, ridiculously slow, and incredibly buggy.
I'm really, really sorry but I don't like Day of the Tentacle.
I'm sorry. I really am.
TheJoe: I'm really, really sorry but I don't like Day of the Tentacle.
I'm sorry. I really am.

Yes... yes, you are... :P
JudasIscariot: Heheh ...Ultima 8.... the Fallout 3 of its day.
I, myself, liked the game once they patched out some of the stupid jumping portions in the Hall of the Mountain King.
What I liked about the game were the unique spells and the way you could craft foci and then use them. The only problem I had with the spell system is that some of these spells were so obviously situational that it hindered some of the enjoyment for me.
What many people did not like about U8 was that it took the series into a direction not usually associated with the Ultima games: more action oriented and no ability to create your character and modify his stats like you were able to in the previous 7 games(9 if you include the 2 Underworld games which were made of pure win, of course).
Also, U8 was slated to have an add-on that would have expanded the game world some more. I think it was called "The Lost Vale", IIRC.
phanboy4: AHA. So I wasn't the only one that was reminded of an Ultima 8/Fallout 3 parallel.
And I liked Ultima 8 quite a bit. It was unique, and not very Ultimish, but still an innovative, fun RPG, if a bit abortive and unfinished.

I did enjoy U8, but despised the jumping sections. The combat wasn't great either, but thankfully you didn't often have to fight multiple enemies.
Ultima 9 on the other hand... well, if we overlook it's bugs and suchlike, theres still the problem of the plot not being what it originally was supposed to be, and then there are various other nitpicky problems with it.
A great site to visit is: if you're a proper Ultima nerd like myself. Makes for entertaining reading, and there is a section for every game in the series.
Bud Tucker in double trouble. One of the worst adventure games I've ever played and the only one I didn't finish. Also, terrible spanish voice acting.
Grim Fandango, so many bugs I stopped playing it mid game.