Clagg: You mention that GOG gives away free games. I am not being funny but Beneath a Steel Sky and Lure of the Temptress isn't exactly what people would buy is it? With the rose tinted spectacles off, be honest, would you really buy, on any online website, either of the two games that are equivalent to a talking book?
If you did a random poll of a few gamers you'd probably get Steam as the premier supplier of everything online.
yeah actually, I would buy it. Look at the Simon the Sorcerer games, those are adventure point and click games as well, look at the Sam and Max series revival of games, point and click adventure games.
oh and Ois, there are still games like the Sherlock Holmes ones that are point and click as well (these are just a few of the newer forays into the point and click adventure series..).
I wasn't really even into point and click adventure games until watching a friend of mine play the Sam and Max revival games. Anyway, otherwise I still like a good book, and buy books fairly infrequently.
otherwise, my point still stands, the product you get with is more than just a game, while with steam it appears to be just a game.. with maybe a headache on the side? (additional drm).
Anyway, like I was stressing prior, knows we're cheap, we want to play games and we don't want to break the bank doing it. That's why their prices are low, and that's why they're having these crazy sales.
I'm certain their feelings wouldn't be hurt if we bought some games off of steam, this is the way the market works.
I'm 1000 times more active on these forums than the steam forums, I have a high rep that I got from helping people out here. There are games that could come out on here, that I care about infinitely more than any game coming out on Steam (unless it's a Valve Specific game, which wouldn't have anyway).
And the site being in beta, makes me feel like I have helped become what it is today, by submitting bug reports, helping other users out, and etc. So I'm fairly confident that realises that even though I may also shop elsewhere, it doesn't mean that I'm not a dedicated user of their services.