Schnuff: you feel depressed?
Before 2007 i earned around € 4K/month. Than came unemployment.
Losing my apartment.
Abandoned by the family (they were friendly as long as i had money).
Living in an homeless asylum.
Now i am working again but still have only under € 400/month for living and even that is not save.
My health is such that i need painkillers on a daily base.
Now we talk about depression.
Poor Schnuff. I hope your life gets better soon.
Turjake: Holiday Blues? Hell yeah. I'm currently unemployed and all my attempts to get a new job have failed miserably so far.
It seems that for every open position there are dozens of applicants and even getting an invitation to be interviewed is about as likely as winning the lottery. Don't feel like celebrating much this Christmas. The economy seems to really fucked up now. Oh well, at least my health is okay and I have a roof over my head. Things could be worse.
Same here man, unless you are willing to take the worst jobs in this country that also usually pay minimum wage to add insult to injury. And here, the minimum wage is pathetic. What is even more pathetic is those jobs are starting to become harder to get due to many desperate people...