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Thanks for the giveaway. In for both if possible, otherwise count me in for Gabriel Knight.
I'm in for Primordia. The first 2 Monkey Island games are special to me because they remind me of when I was young.
I'm in for Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Not in but a big thank you!
+1 Not in. Just wanted to say that while I haven't particularly gotten into adventures, I was highly intrigued and impressed by Shadow of Destiny. That is all. ^^
Thanks for the Primordia recommendation. I'd love to own it but since I already have a huge adventure game backlog I'll stay out of this.
In for both, thanks for the giveaway and +1!

Heard a lot of good things about Primordia.
I'm in for GK..
A adventure game that mean something to me is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, which is the first adventure game I remember playing by myself, even before I learnt how to read English.
Momo1991: Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for the excellent adventure game GA! Not in but these are both amazing games ;-)

I finished Night of the Rabbit this summer after having won it in Xyem's GA - well triock won it but he gifted it to me ;-) I would highly recommend this game for anyone that would love to play this with their child(ren). It is not always easy but it always makes sense plus it is gorgeous!
Thanks for the information MOMO. I've been considering Night of the Rabbit. Now, I'm going to pick it up during this Winter Sale.

I own both of these games, so I'm not in...but I would say one of my favorites is the Gabriel Night series.

Post edited December 22, 2013 by Sq2

I'm in for gabriel knight sins of the fathers

Many thanks and +1

James :-)
high rated
entry is now closed and winners will be announced shortly.. thanks to all for participating!
surprise twist... there will be 4 winners instead of two, happy holidays :)
Congrats to the winners, and thanks again zavlin for the generous giveaway :)!
Wooot, congrats to all the winners! Thank you again Zavlin for hosting this wonderful giveaway, and for adding even more games to it, amazing!
Congrats to the other winners, and thanks for the giveaway.