mystikmind2000: How many products that you *buy* with *your* money in life have any capacity to reduce promised functionality unless you watch their advertising?
StingingVelvet: Cable television jumps immediately to mind. Though that's a service. ("Hey so are games!" screams the corporate manager.)
In any event that's an irrelevant debate since Hitman Contracts has no in-game advertising and this is a standard EULA across all Square products, just like the EA EULAs on here that talked about online activation and whatnot. You can read the thing and get mad or you can realize it's meaningless, back your game up and own it forever sans ads. Your call.
Cable TV is actually a good example, it is something that you buy, but cannot sell, just like PC games!
Note the use of the word 'capacity' in my above post.... so things that a capable of happening but not yet happening constitutes irrelevant debate? Gosh, i wonder how many dictators, despots, governments and moguls would love the world to be filled with people having that attitude.!!?
Edit:(that last bit i said does drift away from the specificness of the topic, but despite the differences it will do to make the point i wanted to make)