PenutBrittle: Peeking round the heavy door frame, you come face to face with a big ugly orc entering from the opposite door. He shouts and points at you, preparing to charge!
RealWeaponX: The wizard reaches for his mighty Sword of Orc Slaying, discovering instead the dagger he used to cut his breakfast sausage tucked in his belt. Cursing his lack of planning, the absence of the Barbarian to do his dirty work, and that flaggon of Elvish wine last night, he quickly takes
two steps north towards the foe, with
Fire of Wrath flying from his fingertips...
End turn OOC: Don't you usually re-roll movment dice each turn? Not that I'm likely to not get three...
As the flames leave your fingertips, they envelope the orc and, with one last growl, it collapses into a pile of ashes.
(I did repost the movement, but I think the wonky editing made it disappear from my post. The movement scores will always be listed in the OP, though. You had a 5 at any rate.)
I'll do new movement scores and post a new map within the next half hour, I need to reboot my computer first.