Rodzaju: As I'm out of movement & they are not in poking range, I will search for treasure.... I just checked the rules, and unfortunately you cannot search for treasure in corridors, only rooms. Sorry about that! I suppose otherwise we'd be tripping over goblets and treasure and junk in the halls, and that's hardly up to dungeon code.
MrWilli: Elf:
Down One;East Two; Cast Rock Skin On Dwarven Friend; End Turn. "Try to not die you ale drinking gnome," Elf said playfully.
Silly elf, you can't pass through walls! (Well, you can, because there's a spell for that. But you know what I mean.) Fortunately, you have enough movement to take the long way around.
A shimmering light flies out of your hand, and envelops your stalwart dwarven companion. His skin takes on a rocklike sheen, which is fortunate, as it seems the knights are eager for blood, and aren't going to be waiting around much longer.
With that, the round ends and the
monsters take their turn.
One of the chaos warriors just stands around and cackles with glee. Phew, you almost got attacked by, oh wait, there's another.
He approaches the dwarf, and swings a great big warhammer. You get conked once on the head, but thanks to the quick spellwork of your elven friend, you shrug off the blow. Unfortunately, he swings again. Despite the quick spellwork of your elven friend, this blow hurts. It hurts a lot. About
one wound worth, actually. The spell sputters and fades.
Round 6 begins Movement
stoicsentry: 10
Rodzaju: 5
MrWilli: 9
RealWeaponX: 3