Posted March 18, 2012

I clicked on the thread and read Pavel's post saying he wouldn't take a code for Syb 2, and read gyokzoli's post saying the same thing. I didn't read wpegg's post saying the code was for Spinefarm so I presumed it was up for all of us. I desperately wanted Syb 2 (I'm playing Syb 1 now!) so I redeemed the code.
When I came back to say thanks, I realized what I'd done and wrote to wpegg to explain and apologize. I'm really embarrassed about this and I won't be entering any more giveaways.
I'd like to buy Spinefarm a copy of Syb 2, but I'm afraid I can't do that until I get paid. I'll PM him with a code on Friday.
I hope the community can understand that this was a mistake, because I feel like shit now.