Skunk: The MD5 checksum of "setup_silver_1.0.0.9.exe" is 2955709fd31d04680a07d1212d23b190.
tarangwydion: Thanks. Mine is that too. I am still using the OLD GOG Downloader ('cause the new one that utilizes .NET Framework just does not work in my Linux workstation with Wine), and so I was wondering how come the md5 checksum given in the setup_silver_1.0.0.9.exe.crc is fe487e54282ec4ef160c2440f4461de3, and yet the file setup_silver_1.0.0.9.exe runs alright.
Anyway, thanks again! :-D
Each GOG installer comes with a built-in file integrity checker that, as far as I can tell is reliable enough. It's good practice to test the verification before storing them, anyway. I too am a Linux user annoyed at the use of the .NET Framework in the latest downloader. For what it's worth, on my Windows computer I've had trouble with it numerous times, especially with downloading the extras.
Unfortunately, you might not have much luck running it in Wine. The GOG version specifically has been given a "garbage" rating (in other words, somebody tested it very recently), and I had no luck with it when I tried, though I didn't put any real effort into searching for a solution, as I don't intend to play at the moment. I imagine you've probably tried it by now, though. Best of luck to you, at any rate.