samstern: Download "tdsskiller" from . Run it as admin. Fix anythign it finds and reboto if fixed anything. Install and update "Malwarebytes free edition" . update it . do a "quick scan" not a full scan. If it finds anything, let it clean things and then reboot when asked.
If you ever suspect malware enough to do a scan.... Never... EVER... Do a quick scan, ALWAYS do a full scan... But then again this is just me. I reboot after a clean sweep then do it again just to make sure.
Also, I'm in a bit of a hurry so please disregard this if you already tried it as I didn't read all four pages. BUT, as crazy as it may sound, have you gotten a new cell phone lately? I've had cell phones before cause interference in my sound system, even stereo systems.
Or try removing any sound drivers you have on your system currently(including older drivers for the card) then reinstalling the newest drivers for your sound card. Not sure if 32bit or 64bit would make a difference, just get whatever your OS is if available.
Next, judging by what I've read, you or a friend has built it from the ground up.. Soooo, make sure your sound card is properly seated (make sure your sound card hasn't come loose or is seated incorrectly), especially if you move your unit around much. If you do, it is wise to check the ram and such now and then also to make sure nothing is coming loose, then again if your ram is loose you would be getting POST errors.
Lastly, if you have a subwoofer, make sure it is at least 2 feet away from your speakers and such. It can cause interference also. Mics can cause the same if they are too close to speakers.
Other than that.... Have you been playing too much Silent Hill and going insane? When in doubt, change settings to factory default.