cioran: Eh, I tend to disagree. SH is a markedly better game, but as far as the genre goes, Obscure is pretty good (believe me, I was a surprised by that as anyone). The use of light was a good idea, too. Does it borrow a page from the SH playbook? Yep. But it does a pretty good job at it. Better than SH4 did at being a SH game. I digress.
Play Countdown Vampires or something to get an idea of a bad survival horror game - there are lots of them. Plot development has never been a big part of the genre. Neither have decent controls, at least until around SH2 and RE3.
DarthKaal: I've not said that Obscure was a bad survival horror, just that I disliked monsters' design and story.
And about story, SH1 and SH2 have both a good story, much more complicated than it can appear at first sight.
All I want to say concerning survival horror games: on one hand, you have the classic universe (Resident Evil with zombies), and on another hand you have a more subtle and artistic universe (Silent Hill with nightmarish freaks).
And since the success of both franchises, you have between them, survivals who pick stuff in RE, stuff in SH, and mix that.
Sometimes in can be good, sometimes it can be just bad, and sometimes it can be not so bad but just unsurprising. I tend to put Obscure in this third category.
So I just say that if you want something *new*, surprising, you might be disappointed with Obscure. If you just want a standard survival, you might enjoy it.
I think you're only somewhat correct, though I think we probably more or less agree about Obscure, if only in our conclusions. Long story short - Obscure is a videogame "B-Movie". But it's a good b-movie. Like I said, if you like the genre, you'll probably like it, if you don't - not going to change your mind. I'm not of the opinion that a game has to be startlingly innovative to be good.
That said - survival horror isn't mostly just SH and RE, though those are probably the most successful franchises (at least in NA, RE isn't that popular in Japan relative to NA). Survival horror has its roots in American Adventure games, misc Japanese games, Japanese Horror and Manga, Psychological/Body Horror (e.g. Jacob's Ladder, Alien and the work of H.R. Giger, Tetsuo) and Existentialist Philosophy. Those are pretty diverse technical and ideological influences and there are lots of different games and series to match those diverse influences. Unfortunately, I know some regions do not receive localizations of many of these games.
There are other quite notable franchises besides RE and SH (Fatal Frame, Clock Tower) that have extremely unique styles.There are also relatively unexplored FP Survival Horror games like Whiteday and Hellnight/Dark Messiah. There are games like Clock Tower and Haunting Ground where you have virtually no weapons and are primarily running. There are even games like Parasite Eve and Koudelka that are RPG/Survival Horror hybrids. Some of these games (Parasite Eve, Fatal Frame) even sold quite well.
bansama: So which would you choose, and why?
Markenname: I would go for Republic, although I didn't play it yet... In other words: I would avoid Obscure. Dunno if it's more fun on consoles, but the PC version's controls really suck ass.. That killed all my enthusiasm for this game.
I could see that. It is a console port.