JudasIscariot: Too much money to be made from the war on drugs so I doubt it will actually end.
GameRager: Much money also to be made in taxing drug use/etc. Though yes I remain wait and see on this, but it is gaining momentum and worth a shot.
Can't tax home grown weed or home made meth, heroin, crack cocaine.
The war on drugs is an effective means of maintaining control of a country's population. Drugs make for easy propaganda which gives the government a very powerful mandate supported by the people. The political parties use this propaganda to pass laws that, in essence, allow the populace to be farmed monetarily in fines, court costs, "rehabilitation" fees, etc. etc. Let's not forget that the drugs that are confiscated from the "big, scary dealer" are then returned into the same system that tries to fight against them in the first place. It's funny how the media always gives the street value of some big drug stash that was confiscated. If something is worth as much as they say it is, no way in hell it's just going to sit in some evidence locker for too long.
TLDR version:
War on Drugs = scam.