Whao! This thread has exploded with comments, sorry I've not gotten back to you all earlier! Thank you for all your suggestions, I've saved pretty much all of the picture references you guys linked, they're all great ideas. I think I'll produce some more and post them.
bansama: Yeah, direct copies of the HL2 logo and the like could land you in trouble if you try to sell them or display them for that matter.
Andy_Panthro: I agree with whoever said it above (I'm too lazy to go back a page), you may want to think about avoiding like-for-like reproductions as copyright people may get on your back.
Copyright and legality for this situation isn't an issue at all. I can disclaim the lot of it to its rightful owners, not to mention this whole thing is very small scale and really no one is going to notice.
frostcircus: Actually it's a pretty major part of it. It's called calculating a break-even point.
I know some people think it's unromantic to consider money and art at the same time, but it's a fact of the business. If you can't bring your hourly rate to a viable level, you can't make a living from art.
Andy_Panthro: Oh and surely painting is done for the love of it, with money secondary?
This is true, this is just a personal side project, I actually work at two jobs and have been doing this in my spare time (what is left of it).Speaking of the costs, because a few people have mentioned it, the price is up in the air. I have to make a judgement call based upon how long each one took weighed against how much I think my time is worth. I have been doing it for the love, I really enjoy it, but to sell the Companion Cube for £10 would be saddening (It took a stupid amount of hours, something like 9 or 10). Realistically the prices should be astronomical because I have been taught by my arts education to overprice my work. I simply refuse to because I want people to enjoy it and not pay through the nose.
One thing I forgot to stress; I want a buyer to feel like they got something unique as I won't be repeating the paintings. Each one is one copy alone. I thought that would make the buyer feel more respected, instead of getting a mass-produced piece.
michaelleung: You're probably one of the best modern artists I know. This stuff kicks ass. Somebody put this in a museum!
Thank you! I don't know, I love painting these things and I'm defiantly going to do more thanks to all your encouragement.
Skreczi: Cube, pac-man and ghost for teh win!
Man you are awsome :) Congrats and post some more of your works :) And taht cube... You are the best :)
Hell, maybe I can do a GOG Logo all nicely blended. I'm really sure it'll be DRM free... and cheap!