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After two weeks of solid work I have finally completed my painting project. Just to fill you all in, these paintings were created because I found myself with the opportunity to display some work and sell it at a local gallery/cafe. I was told I could do as I pleased, so I decided to pick iconic visuals from video games and recreate them on canvas.
Now I'm usually pretty cagey about showing other people my work, but I thought I'd make an exception because I really need help from you guys.
I'm sure at least one of these things is going to sell, but I really don't want to replace the canvas with the exact same image; I get really frustrated with having to paint the same thing twice.
Can the GOG community trawl the depths of their minds and pick out iconic 'things' from games, past and present, which really sum up the whole experience in a single image?
Remember, the image can't really take too long to reproduce, or the cost won't make up for the time spent on the canvas. There is no way I'm going to spend ten hours painting to only to have to charge £30 for the thing!
The last two...
Romulus: After two weeks of solid work I have finally completed my painting project. Just to fill you all in, these paintings were created because I found myself with the opportunity to display some work and sell it at a local gallery/cafe. I was told I could do as I pleased, so I decided to pick iconic visuals from video games and recreate them on canvas.
Now I'm usually pretty cagey about showing other people my work, but I thought I'd make an exception because I really need help from you guys.
I'm sure at least one of these things is going to sell, but I really don't want to replace the canvas with the exact same image; I get really frustrated with having to paint the same thing twice.
Can the GOG community trawl the depths of their minds and pick out iconic 'things' from games, past and present, which really sum up the whole experience in a single image?
Remember, the image can't really take too long to reproduce, or the cost won't make up for the time spent on the canvas. There is no way I'm going to spend ten hours painting to only to have to charge £30 for the thing!

The SNES controller? Sonic? Doom? Sergeant Man From Wolf3d? Spyro? BFG9000? Shodan? Though you'd probably want to be careful with reproducing copyrighted images or intellectual property.
Yeah, direct copies of the HL2 logo and the like could land you in trouble if you try to sell them or display them for that matter. I also like the idea of perhaps controllers (recognisable but not enough to become a legal nightmare).
Why not try to take a revolutionary concept in video games, such as the SNES' Mode 7 and work with that? Or even paralax scrolling and so forth - might be tricky with a static painting...
Well, I would SO buy #1, I absolutely hate #2 (not a Sims fan), and #3-7 I could just as well do myself. So while I don't have much advice on the actual motives, I think you should go for doing actual paintings like #1, rather than just huge painted pixels. The pixel style might still work, but you would need to make it quite a bit more complex, I think. Add background, don't just use black. Do bigger graphics (hence smaller pixels). Yes, these things take time, but the reason people buy stuff like that is precisely because it takes time.
The whole "I want to make it as an artist without doing more than the absolute minimum of work" argument, is not going to cut it, I'm afraid.
First thing: Cube wins
Aaaand now, from top of my mind (therefore I didn't put any real thought in it and I sincerely hope SOME if it will be helpful :D)
- Wolf from cover of The Witcher (here)
- Classic Power Armor helmet from Fallout 1
- Prince with drawn sword
- Box from Morrowind
Hmm... I'm done. If something interesting manages to get into my head, I'll be sure to post it. Hope it helps
Yeah, Cube wins, but I'd totally buy two or three of these paintings.
Now, some ideas:
- Three head monkey
- Shadow of the Colossus
- Final Fantasy VII meteor logo
- Super Mario cap
- The guy from Carmageddon cover
- Okami logo
How about the word "Loading..." redone in an artistic way...I would say the damned loading screen is pretty damn iconic, and indicative, of today's games.....
Also, how about an Origin logo with the words "They Created Worlds" that has the year they began and the year they were bought out by EA with a cast of their memorable characters mourning their demise? It has to include *the* Avatar though XD.
Post edited April 20, 2009 by JudasIscariot
JudasIscariot: How about the word "Loading..." redone in an artistic way...I would say the damned loading screen is pretty damn iconic, and indicative, of today's games.....

Now that would be great :D
How about the Hitman Fluer De Lys? I've always thought it was a cool logo.
How about some of the swords from Final Fantasy games, especially Sephiroth's and Cloud's they are pretty iconic to the gaming world.
You're probably one of the best modern artists I know. This stuff kicks ass. Somebody put this in a museum!
do a dopefish!
a heart from zelda. or an ocarina. or the triforce
the broken sword 2 icon/logo thing
the nes controller
final fantasy mage
quake symbol
mega man
1up symbol
a generic joystick or cartridge
lol how about the main character from pong?
Post edited April 20, 2009 by captfitz
How about some of the swords from Final Fantasy games, especially Sephiroth's and Cloud's they are pretty iconic to the gaming world.
Square Enix are known to sue anyone creating any sort of immitation of their IPs. Including a fan who created models of some of the weapons from their games, so I would probably steer clear of that one.
What about the Deus Ex logo from the first game??