Posted December 08, 2014

This being said, it was great seeing you. I hope everything goes great for you, and don't you worry! One day I'll get you to join one of my games where we all chat and have a good time.
As for the game, I've been eyeing this for some time, but the price tag was steep for me and I just got it. Thank you very very very much for occupying some 500+ hours of my life. :P I just hope Sachys won't hit with his ape whip like mad because I redeemed a dropped code. I usually never do that, but I make an exception for your code drops because they are always amazing stuff. You know? For someone who doesn't have time to play games, you still got amazing tastes. xD
Maybe you'll get some time on winter break to play it, after life gets slowed a bit.

Maybe the UK should just be the place to meet, if ever, as it is in the middle of everything, a great place, and doesn't require our UK friends to have to go through that biometric business. If it is there, they'll soon do it here though, but I hope not.
Would shit in a shoe box suffice for biometric identification?
Post edited December 08, 2014 by Dischord