Azrael360: By the way, Tetris games are fine and some are really good, but $19,95 for it... ouch! (:P)
F4LL0UT: Yeah, I noticed the same thing. But there's already been cases where developers demanded ridiculous sums on their homepage and then allowed for a cheaper release on other distributors and maybe adjusted the price afterwards. AFAIK 3D Realms and Softdisk did the same for the titles that were released on GOG. And I still have hope that there's gonna be a cheaper GOG release of Jets 'n' Guns some day (which is also being sold for 20 bucks at the developer's online store, I think - I love the game but that's obviously too much).
Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for the Humongous Entertainment titles; some are being sold for 10 bucks a pop, but I hope GOG can bring that down to 5.99. Plus, in this highly-saturated game market, one has to be competitive with pricing. (A la bundles and what not)