Azilut: I don't normally go in for FPS, but I've heard good things about this one. So, in!
Win or lose, you really ought to try the
demo first.
No need to redeem three games (which happen to be largely identical [i.e. if you hate Painkiller, you definitely won't like Battle Out of Hell or Overdose, as they're more of the same but arguably worse]) if you can find out right now if you hate them. Painkiller seems like it'd have a lot more appeal to seasoned FPS players than ones who normally aren't fans of the genre. Lots of mindless shooting and bunny hopping. Personally, I thought Serious Sam was
way better, but that's for another topic. ;)
All the same, Painkiller is good stuff. Best of luck to you guys, and good work being so generous, Ian. I'm not entering, as I have the whole series save for Recurring Evil and Hell & Damnation. Painkiller HD looks like it could be great (it helps that it's an HD remake of a good game), and after the poorly done Resurrection and the incompetent Eggtooth's abysmal Redemption, I'm not sure I want to try Recurring Evil.
The trilogy of games in Painkiller Universe is, more or less, the only ones worth bothering with. Painkiller is as good as this series gets, Battle Out of Hell was still really good, and Overdose was somewhere between okay and good. It gets points for having a new protagonist (and loses points if you happen to hate one-liners), but some of the weaponry was kind of dumb and the quality of the levels was sort of everywhere.